

Almuteri, K., J. Shragge, and P. Sava, 2024, Modeling the seismic wavefield of moving marine vibrator source: Geophysics, 89, no. 1, T1-T-11,

Almuteri, K., J. Shragge, and P. Sava, 2024, Modeling acoustic wavefields from moving sources in the presence of a time-varying free surface: Geophysics, 0, 1-66,

Chambers, C., G. Jin, A. Tourei, A. H. S. Issah, A. Lellouch, E. R. Martin, D. Zhu, A. Girard, S. Yuan, T. Cullison, T. Snyder, S. Kim, N. Danes, N. Punithan, S. Boltz, M. M. Mendoza, 2024, DASCore: a Python Library for Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing: EarthArXiv, Preprint:

Cheng, L., A. Tura, J. Simmons, R. Snieder, P.V. Angelov, R.N. Srinivasa, and S. Akther, 2024, Marchenko imaging assisted by vertical seismic profiling data for land seismic data in the Middle East: Geophysics, 89, no. 2, B105-B117,

Creasy, N., E. Bozdag, D.A. Frost, and R. Snieder, 2024, SKS polarization anomalies due to the Coriolis force:Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 114, 659-672, no. 2,

Dejneka, Z., D. Homa, J. Buontempo, G. Crawford, E. R. Martin, L. Theis, A. Wang, and G. Pickrell, 2024, Magnetic Field Sensing via Acoustic Sensing Fiber with Metglas® 2605SC Cladding Wires: Photonics, 11, no. 4,

Girard, A., J. Shragge, M. Danilochkine, C. Udengaard, and S. Gerritsen, 2024, Observations from the Seafloor: Ultra-low-frequency Ambient Ocean-Bottom Nodal Seismology at the Amendment Field” EarthArXiv,

Hao, Q., and I. Tsvankin, 2024, P-wave propagation in attenuative elliptical VTI media: Geophysics, 89, no. 4, C147-C158,

Hao, Q., and I. Tsvankin, 2024, Wavefield decomposition for viscoelastic anisotropic media: Geophysics, 89, no. 4,C159-C169,

Issah, A. H., and E. R. Martin, 2024, Impact of lossy compression errors on passive seismic data analyses: Seismological Research Letters, 95, no. 3,

Jaimes, M., and R. Snieder, 2024, Angular and modal equipartitioning of elastic waves in scattering media: An illustration based on energy transport: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155, 3156–3171,

Ji, X., M. Xiao, E.R. Martin, and T. Zhu, 2024, Statistical evaluation of seismic wave velocity models of permafrost: Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 38, no. 3,

Kiraz, M.S.R., R. Snieder, and J. Sheiman, 2024, Attenuating free-surface multiples and ghost reflections from seismic data using a tracve-by-trace convolutional neural network approach: Geophysical Prospecting, 72, no. 3, 908-937,

Kiraz, M.S.R., R. Snieder, and J. Sheiman, 2024, Free-surface multiple attenuation and seismic deghosting for blended data using convolutional neural networks: Geophysics, 89, B187-V290,

Manos, J., D. Gräff, E. R. Martin, P. Paitz, F. Walter, A. Fichtner, B. P Lipovsky, 2024, DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to infer glacier runoff: EarthArXIV,

Sethi, H., I. Tsvankin, and J. Shragge, 2024, Methodology of elastic full-waveform inversion of multicomponent ocean-bottom data for anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 72, no. 2, 604–616,

Shragge, J., A.J. Girard, C. Oren, and R. Krahenbuhl, 2024, Elastic time-reverse imaging of backscattered surface-wave data: Geophysics, 89, no. 4,

Snieder, R., and M. Deheuvels,2024, Energy partitioning among compressional and shear waves in three-dimensional attenuating media: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155, no. 5, 3336-3344,

Tourei, A., X. Ji, G. Rocha dos Santos, R. Czarny, S. Rybakov, Z. Wang, M. Hallissey, E. R Martin, M. Xiao, T. Zhu, D. Nicolsky, and A. Jensen, 2024, Mapping permafrost variability and degradation using seismic surface waves, electrical resistivity, and temperature sensing: A case study in Arctic Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, no. 3,

Yost, K. M., A. Yerro, E. R. Martin, and R. A. Green, 2024, A cone penetration test database for multiple thin-layer correction procedure development: Earthquake Spectra, 40, no. 1,


Chambers, D., and J. Shragge, 2023, Seismoacoustic monitoring of a longwall face using distributed acoustic sensing: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113, no. 4, 1652–1663,

Diekmann, L., I. Vasconcelos, K. Wapenaar, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2023, Wavefield focusing using a generalised, potentially asymmetric homogeneous Green’s function, Wave Motion, 116, 103071,

Girard, A. J., J. Shragge, and B. Olofsson, 2023, Low-frequency ambient ocean-bottom node surface-wave seismology: A Gulf of Mexico case history: Geophysics, 88, no. 1, B21-B32,

Hao, Q., and I. Tsvankin, 2023, Thomsen-type parameters and attenuation coefficients for constant-Q transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 88, no. 5, C123-C134,

Jaimes, A., and R. Snieder, 2023, Illustration of diffusion and equipartitioning as local processes: A numerical study using the radiative transfer equation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 153, 2148-2164,

Jayne, J., M.B. Wakin, and R. Snieder, 2023, Green’s function estimation by seismic interferometry from limited frequency samples: Signal Processing, 205, 108863,

Liu, Y., S. Feng, I. Tsvankin, D. Alumbaugh, and Y. Lin, 2023, Joint physics-based and data-driven time-lapse seismic inversion: Mitigating data scarcity: Geophysics, 88, no. 1, K1-K12,

Mjehovich, J. A., G. Jin, E.R. Martin, and J. Shragge, 2023, Rapid surface-deployment of a DAS system for earthquake hazard assessment: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149, no. 5, article no. 04023027,

Oren, C., and J. Shragge, 2023, Image-domain DAS 3D VSP elastic tomography: Geophysical Journal International, 232, no. 3, 1914–1925,

Pandey, A., J. Shragge, D. Chambers, A. J. Girard, 2023, Developing a distributed acoustic sensing seismic land streamer: Concept and validation: Geophysics, 88, no. 6, 1-41,

Paterson, A., J. Green, W. van Duivenvoorde, D. Franklin, A. Flavel, L. Smits, J. Shragge, M. Manders, C. Souter, D. Shefi, R. Anderson, T. Hoskin, N. Issa, M. Nash, 2023, The unlucky voyage: Batavia’s (1629) landscape of survival on the Houtman Abrolhos Islands in Western Australia: Historical Archaeology, 57, 32-49,

Pearce, E., A. D. Booth, S. Rost, P. Sava, T. Konuk, A. Brisbourne, B. Hubbard, and I. Jones, 2023, Characterizing ice slabs in firn using seismic full waveform inversion, a sensitivity study: Journal of Glaciology, 69, 277, 1–15,

Saengduean, P., R. Snieder, and M. Wakin, 2023, Multi-source wavefield reconstruction combining interferometry and compressive sensing: application to a linear receiver array: Geophys. J. Int., 235, no. 3,

Sethi, H., F. Hoxha, J. Shragge, I. Tsvankin, 2023, Modeling 3-D anisotropic elastodynamics using mimetic finite differences and fully staggered grids: Computational Geosciences, 27, no. 5, 793-804,

Sethi, H., D. Pan, P. Dimitrov, J. Shragge, G. Roth, K. Hester, 2023, Hard enforcement of physics informed neural network solutions of acoustic wave propagation: Computational Geoscience, 27, no. 5, 737-751,

Shragge, J., A. Girard, H. Flamme, B. Artman, R. Krahenbuhl, J. Bradford, A. Kumar, P. Reppert, R. Hammack, D. Glaser, 2023, NETL Plastic Pipes Project Final Report, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV, DOE/NETL-2023/4327.

Snieder, R., 2023, How time-discretization can break the asymptotics of inverse scattering: Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 479, 20230177,

Snieder, R., 2023, Just be kind: Science, 382, 338,

Snieder, R., C. Holles, Q. Zhu, and C. James, 2023, Commentary: Teach with heart!: Physics Today, 76, no. 3, 10,

Snieder, R., C. Holles, Q. Zhu, and C. James, 2023, Love in the higher-education classroom? Academic Perspectives from Cambridge University Press,

Spica, Z. J., J. Ajo-Franklin, G.C. Beroza, B. Biondi, F. Cheng, B. Gaite, B. Luo, E.R. Martin, J. Shen, C. Thurber, L. Viens, H. Wang, A. Wuestefeld, H. Xiao, and T. Zhu, 2023, PubDAS: a PUBlic distributed acoustic sensing datasets repository for geosciences: Seismological Research Letters, 94, no. 2A, 983-998,

Yang, J., J. Shragge, A. J. Girard, E. Gonzales, J. Ticona, A. Minaya, R. Krahenbuhl, 2023, Seismic characterization of a landslide complex: A case history from Majes, Peru, 15, no. 18, 13574,

Yang, J., and J. Shragge, 2023, Long-term ambient seismic interferometry for constraining seasonal subsurface velocity variations in urban settings: A distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) case study: Geophysical Journal International, 234, no. 3, 1973-1984,

Zhang, Y., S. Singh, D. Thanoon, P. Devarakota, L. Jin, and I. Tsvankin, 2023, Physics-guided unsupervised deep-learning seismic inversion with uncertainty quantification: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 32, no. 3, 257-270,

Wapenaar, K., M. Dukalski, C. Reinicke, and R. Snieder, 2023, Propagator and transfer matrices, Marchenko focusing functions and their mutual relations: Geophys. J. Int., 235, 1403-1419,


Alzahrani, H., and J. Shragge, 2022, Seismic velocity model building using recurrent neural networks: A frequency-stepping approach: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-9,

Andajani, R.D., T. Tsuji, R. Snieder, and T. Ikeda, 2022, Spatial and temporal influence of sea level on inland stress based on seismic velocity monitoring: Earth, Planets and Space, 74, no. 97,

Anikiev, D., U. Waheed, F. Staněk, D. Alexandrov, Q. Hao, N. Iqbal, and L. Eisner, 2022, Traveltime-based microseismic event location using artificial neural network: Front. Earth Sci.

Biondi, B., S. Yuan, E.R. Martin, F. Huot, and R.G. Clapp, 2022, Using telecommunication fiber infrastructure for earthquake monitoring and near-surface characterization, in Li, Y., M. Karrenbach, and J.B. Ajo-Franklin, eds., Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics: Methods and applications, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, 131-148.

Chambers, D., P. Li, H. Sethi, J. Shragge, 2022, Monitoring industrial acoustics with distributed acoustic sensing: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151, no. 4, A58-A58,

Cooper, J., E.R. Martin, K.M. Yost, A. Yerro, and R.A. Green, 2022, Robust identification and characterization of thin soil layers in cone penetration data by piecewise layer optimization: Computers and Geotechnics, 141, article no. 104404,

Diekmann, L., I. Vasconcelos, K. Wapenaar, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2022, Wavefield focusing using a generalised, potentially asymmetric homogeneous Green’s function: Wave Motion, 116, 103071,

Flamme, H. E., R. A. Krahenbuhl, Y. Li, B. Dugan, J. Shragge, A. Graber, D. Sirota, G. Wilson, E. Gonzales, J. Ticona, and A. Minaya, 2022, Integrated geophysical investigation for understanding agriculturally induced landslides in southern Peru: Environmental Earth Sciences, 81, no. 11, 309,

Hileman, Z., D. Homa, E.R. Martin, and G. Pickrell, A. Wang, 2022, Development of a multimaterial optical fiber for fully distributed magnetic sensing applications: IEEE Sensors Letters, 6, no. 1, 1-4,

Liu, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2022, Source-independent time-lapse full-waveform inversion for anisotropic media: Geophysics, 87, no. 1, R111-R122,

Martin, E. R., N.J. Lindsey, B. Biondi, and J.B. Ajo-Franklin, 2022, Introduction to interferometry of fiber optic strain measurements, in Li, Y., M. Karrenbach, and J.B. Ajo-Franklin, eds., Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics: Methods and applications, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons,113-130.

Nobes, D. C., E. Reddy, H. N. Ali, R. A. Krahenbuhl, L. M. Liberty, J. C. Shragge, 2022, Humanitarian geoscience-Introduction: Geophysics, 87, no. 1, Wai-WAii,

Oren, C., and J. Shragge, 2022, Passive-seismic image-domain elastic wavefield tomography: Geophysical Journal International, 228, no. 3, 1512–1529,

Pearce, E., A. D. Booth, S. Rost, P. Sava, T. Konuk, A. Brisbourne, B. Hubbard, 2022, A synthetic study of acoustic full waveform inversion to improve seismic modelling of firn: Annals of Glaciology, 63, no. 87-89, 44-48,

Sava, P., and E. Asphaug, 2022, Interferometric seismic imaging of asteroid: 99942 Apophis, LPI Contributions 681, 2028, 2022LPICo2681.2028S.

Schippkus, S., R. Snieder, and C. Hadziioannou, 2022, Seismic interferometry in the presence of an isolated noise source: Seismica, 1, no. 1,

Sethi, H., J. Shragge, I. Tsvankin, 2022, Tensorial elastodynamics for coupled acoustic/elastic anisotropic media: incorporating bathymetry: Geophysical Journal International, 228, no. 2, 999-1014,

Shragge, J., 2022, President’s Page: A university perspective on the future of applied geophysics: The Leading Edge, 41, no. 3, 162-163.

Singh, S., I. Tsvankin, and E. Zabihi Naeini, 2022, Facies prediction with Bayesian inference: Application of supervised and semisupervised deep learning: Interpretation, 10, no. 2, T279-T290,

Singh, S., and I. Tsvankin, 2022, Sensitivity analysis of elastic full-waveform inversion for orthorhombic media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 31, 105-130,

Sirota, D., J. Shragge, R. Krahenbuhl, A. Swidinsky, N. Yalo, J. Bradford, 2022, Development and validation of a low-cost direct current resistivity meter for humanitarian geophysics applications: Geophysics, 87, no. 1, WA1-WA14,

Snieder, R. and M.B. Wakin, 2022, When randomness helps in undersampling: SIAM Review, 64, 1062-1080,

Wilson, G., J. Conrad, J. Anderson, A. Swidinsky, J. Shragge, 2022, Developing a low-cost frequency-domain electromagnetic induction instrument: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 11, no. 2, 279-291,

Yang, J., J. Shragge, and G. Jin, 2022, Filtering strategies for deformation-rate distributed acoustic sensing: Sensor, 22, no. 22, 8777,

Yost, K., A. Yerro, R.A. Green, E.R. Martin, and J. Cooper, 2022, MPM modeling of cone penetrometer testing for multiple thin-layer effects in complex soil stratigraphy: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148, no. 2, article no. 04021189,

Young, C., J. Shragge, W. Schultz, S. Haines, C. Oren, J. Simmons, T. S. Collett, 2022, Advanced distributed acoustic sensing vertical seismic profile imaging of an Alaska North Slope gas hydrate field: Energy & Fuels, 36, no. 7, 3481–3495,


Jaimes, Manuel A., R. Snieder, 2021, Spatio-temporal resolution improvement via weighted time-reversal: Wave Motion, 106, 102803, ISSN 0165-2125,

Kiraz, M.R., R. Snieder, K. Wapenaar, 2021, Focusing waves in an unknown medium without wavefield decomposition: JASA Express Letters, 1, no. 5, 055602-1–055602-6,

Konuk, T. and J. Shragge, 2021, Tensorial elastodynamics for anisotropic media: Geophysics, 86, no. 3, T293-T303.

Liu, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2021, Methodology of time-lapse elastic full-waveform inversion for VTI media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 30, 257–270.

Oren, C., and J. Shragge, 2021, PS energy imaging condition for microseismic data — Part 1: Theory and applications in 3D isotropic media: Geophysics, 86, no. 2, KS37–KS48,

Oren, C., and J. Shragge, 2021, PS energy imaging condition for microseismic data — Part 2: Sensitivity analysis in 3D anisotropic media: Geophysics, 86, no. 2, KS49–KS62,

Saengduean, P., M. Moschetti, and R. Snieder, 2021, Inter-source interferometry of seismic body waves: Required conditions and examples: Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 3441-3460,

Schneider, J., and R. Snieder, 2021, Pandemic Opportunities: FifteenEightyfour: Academic Perspectives from Cambridge University Press,

Sethi, H., J. Shragge, and I. Tsvankin, 2021, Mimetic finite-difference coupled-domain solver for anisotropic media: Geophysics, 86, no. 1, T45–T59,

Shragge, J., J. Yang, N. Issa, M. Roelens, M. Dentith and S. Schediwy, 2021, Low-frequency Ambient Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): case study from Perth, Australia: Geophysical Journal International, 226, no. 1, 564–581.

Singh, H., J. Shragge, and I. Tsvankin, 2021, Mimetic Finite-difference coupled-domain Acoustic-Elastic Solver for Anisotropic Media: Geophysics, 86, no. 1, T49-T55.



Aragao, O., and P.C. Sava, 2020, Elastic full-waveform inversion with probabilistic petrophysical clustering: Geophysical Prospecting, 68, no. 4, 1341–1355,

Aragao, O., and P.C. Sava, 2020, Elastic full-wavefield tomography with probabilistic petrophysical model constraints: Geophysics, 85, R101–R111,

Arora, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2020, Anisotropic traveltime tomography of diffraction arrivals based on eikonal equation: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 29, 455–475.

Caballero, M.A.J., and R. Snieder, Super-resolution via weighted time-reversal, 2020, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 3603–3607,

Courville, S., P.C. Sava, 2020, Speckle noise attenuation in orbital laser vibrometer seismology: Acta Astronomica, 172, 16–32,

Dunmire, D., J. Lenaerts, A. Banwell, N. Wever, J. Shragge, S. Lhermitte, R. Drews, F. Pattyn, I. Willis, J. Miller, and E. Keenan, 2020, Observations of subsurface lake drainage on the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087970,

Girard, A. and, J. Shragge, 2020, Direct migration of ambient seismic data: Geophysical Prospecting, 68, no. 1, 270–292,

Girard, A.J., and J. Shragge, 2020, Automated Processing Strategies for Ambient Seismic Data: Geophysical Prospecting, 68, no. 1, 293-312.

Jing, J., R. Snieder, and N. Nakata, 2020, Extracting the response of the Bay Bridge, California, from the application of multichannel deconvolution to earthquake-induced shaking: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 110, 556–564,

Konuk, T. and J. Shragge, 2020, Mimetic finite-difference modeling of time-varying sea-surface effects on seismic data: Geophysics, 85, no. 2, T45–T55.

Prunty, A.C. and R.K. Snieder, 2020, An acoustic Lippmann-Schwinger inversion method: applications and comparison with the linear sampling method: J. Phys. Comm., 4, no. 1, 015007,

Riera, R., J. Bourget, V. Paumard, M.E.J. Wilson, J. Shragge, J. Borgomano, T. Wilson and A.D. George, 2020, A 400 km2 pseudo-unconformity identified from 3D seismic data (North West Shelf Australia): A diagenetic origin?: Geology, 74, no. 12, 1181–1184.

Shragge, J. and T. Konuk, 2020, Tensorial Elastodynamics for Isotropic Media: Geophysics, 85, no. 6, T359-T373.

Singh, S., I. Tsvankin, and E. Zabihi Naeini, 2020, Full-waveform inversion with borehole constraints for elastic VTI media: Geophysics, 85, no. 6, R553–R563,

Snieder, R. and Q. Zhu, 2020, Connecting to the heart: Teaching value-based professional ethics: Sci. Eng. Ethics, 26, 2235–2254,


Bai, T., and I. Tsvankin, 2019, Source-independent waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 67, 2343–2357,

Bai, T., T. Zhu, and I. Tsvankin, 2019, Attenuation compensation for time-reversal imaging in VTI media: Geophysics, 84, no. 4, C205–C216,

Restrepo, J. B., J. Shragge and D. Lumley, 2019, A comparison of rock physics models for stress-related seismic azimuthal anisotropy: Exploration Geophysics, 50, no. 5, 490501,

He, J., D. Rocha, and P.C. Sava, 2019, Guided wave tomography based on least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM): Structural Health Monitoring, 19, no. 4, 1237–1249,

He, J., D. Rocha, P. Lesser, P.C. Sava, and W. Lesser, 2019, Least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM) for damage imaging using Lamb waves: Smart Materials and Structures, 28, no. 6, 065010,

Irakarama, M., G. Caumon, P.C. Sava, and J. Edwards, 2019, Appraising structural interpretations using seismic data–theoretical elements: Geophysics, 84, no. 2, N29–N40,

Jarillo Michel, O., and I. Tsvankin, 2019, 3D waveform inversion of downhole microseismic data for transversely isotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 67, no. 2, 2332–2342,

Li, V., A. Guitton, I. Tsvankin, and T. Alkhalifah, 2019, Image-domain wavefield tomography for VTI media: Geophysics, 84, no. 2, C119–C128,

Li, V., I. Tsvankin, A. Guitton, and H. Wang, 2019, Image-domain wavefield tomography for tilted transversely isotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 67, no. 9, 2358–2367,

Liu, Q., and I. Tsvankin, 2019, Stacking-velocity tomography for tilted orthorhombic media: Geophysics, 84, no. 3, C171–C180,

Prunty, A.C. and R.K. Snieder, 2019, Theory of the linear sampling method for time-dependent fields: Inverse Problems, 35, 055003,

Rocha, D., P.C. Sava, J. Shragge, and B. Witten, 2019, 3D passive wavefield imaging using the energy norm: Geophysics, 84, no. 2, KS13–KS27,

Sava, P.C., and E. Asphaug, 2019, Seismology on small planetary bodies by orbital Laser Doppler Vibrometry: Advances in Space Research, 64, no. 2, 527–544,

Shragge, J., J. Bourget, D. Lumley, J. Giraud, T. Wilson, A. Iqbal, M. Niri, B. Whitney, T. Potter, T. Miyoshi, and B. Witten, 2019, The Western Australia Modelling (WAMo) Project. Part 1: Geomodel Building: Interpretation, 7, no. 4, T773–T791,

Shragge, J., D. Lumley, J. Bourget, T. Potter, T. Miyoshi, B. Witten, J. Giraud, T. Wilson, A. Iqbal, M. Niri, and B. Whitney, 2019, The Western Australia Modelling (WAMo) Project. Part 2: Seismic Validation: Interpretation, 7, no. 4, T793–T807,

Sens-Schoenfelder, C., R. Snieder, and X. Li, 2019, A model for nonlinear elasticity in rocks based on friction of internal interfaces and contact aging: Geophys. J. Int. 216, no. 1, 319–331,

Snieder, R., A. Duran, and A. Obermann, 2019, Locating velocity changes in elastic media with coda wave interferometry, in Seismic Ambient Noise, Chapter 6, p188–217, Eds. N. Nakata, L. Gualtieri, and A. Fichtner, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.

Yue, Y., P.C. Sava, J. Qian, and J. Yang, 2019, Elastic least-squares Gaussian beam migration: Geophysics, 84, no. 4, S329–S340,


Arora, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2018, Analysis of diffractions in dip-angle gathers for transversely isotropic media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 27, 515-530.

De Souza, R., D.E. Lumley, J. Shragge, A. Davolio, and D.J. Schiozer, 2018, Combining Time-lapse Seismic and Production Data for Systematic Reservoir Model Classification and Assessment: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15, no. 4, 1561-1587,

Hitchman, S., K. van Wijk, R. and Snieder, 2018, Estimating the Green’s function using a single channel dual-beam interferometer: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 144, 124-130,

Jia, X., A. Guitton, and R. Snieder, 2018, A practical implementation of subsalt Marchenko imaging with a Gulf of Mexico data set: Geophysics, 83, no. 5,, S409-S419,

Johnson, J., M. Merrilees, J. Shragge and K. van Wijk, 2018, All-Optical Laser-Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging of Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque: Photonics, 9, 62-72,

Li, X., C. Sens-Schoenfelder, and R. Snieder, 2018, Nonlinear elasticity in resonance experiments: Phys. Rev. B, 97, 144301,

Lim, I., and P.C. Sava, 2018, High-resolution multicomponent distributed acoustic sensing: Geophysical Prospecting, 66, 1111-1122,

Lim, I., and P.C. Sava, 2018, Multicomponent distributed acoustic sensing: Concept and theory: Geophysics, 83, no. 2, P1-P8,

Planes, T., R. Snieder, and S. Singh, 2018, Model-based redatuming of seismic data: An inverse filter approach: Geophysics, 83, no. 2, Q1-Q13,

Potter, T., J. Shragge and D. Lumley, 2018, Performance and Stability of the Double Absorbing Boundary method: Geophysics, 84, no. 2, T59-T72,

Rocha, D., A. Guitton, and P.C. Sava, 2018, 3D acoustic least-squares reverse time migration using the energy norm: Geophysics, 83, no. 3, S261-S270,

Rocha, D., and P.C. Sava, 2018, Elastic least-squares reverse time migration using the energy norm: Geophysics, 83, no. 3, S237-S248,

Sava, P.C., and E. Asphaug, 2018, 3D radar wavefield migration of comet interiors: Advances in Space Research, 62, no.5, 1146-1164,

Sava, P.C., and E. Asphaug, 2018, 3D radar wavefield tomography of comet interiors: Advances in Space Research, 61, 2198–2213,

Singh, S., I. Tsvankin, and E. Zabihi Naeini, 2018 Bayesian framework for elastic full-waveform inversion with facies information: The Leading Edge, B37, no. 12, 924-931,

Snieder, R., Acceptance speech of the Maurice Ewing Medal for Albert Tarantola, 2018: The Leading Edge, 37, no. 11, 843.

Tasker, L., A. Karrech, J. Shragge and M. Josh, 2018, 4D Monitoring of Internal Deformation within a Concrete Structure using Single-Channel Ground Penetrating Radar: Construction and Building Materials, 191, 300-310,

Wang, H., and I. Tsvankin, 2018, Methodology of waveform inversion for acoustic orthorhombic media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 27, 201-226.


Bai, T., I. Tsvankin, and X. Wu, 2017, Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media: Geophysics, 82, no. 4, WA83-WA93,

Diaz, E., and P.C. Sava, 2017, Cascaded wavefield tomography & inversion using extended common image point gathers: a case study: Geophysics, 82, no. 5, S391-S401,

Duan, Y., A. Guitton, and P.C. Sava, 2017, Elastic least-squares reverse time migration: Geophysics, 82, no. 2, S315-S325,

Duan, Y., and P.C. Sava, 2017, 3D angle decomposition for elastic reverse time migration: Geophysics, 82, no. 5, S377-S389,

Jarillo Michel, O., and I. Tsvankin, 2017, Waveform inversion for microseismic velocity analysis and event location in VTI media: Geophysics, 82, no. 4, WA95-WA103,

Johnson, J., J. Shragge and K. van Wijk, 2017, Non-confocal all-optical laser-ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging system for angle-dependent deep tissue imaging: Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22, 4, 041014,

Kamath, N., I. Tsvankin, and E. Diaz, 2017, Elastic full-waveform inversion for VTI media: A synthetic parameterization study: Geophysics, 82, no. 5, C163-C174,

Kamath, N., I. Tsvankin, and E. Zabihi Naeini, 2017, Facies-constrained FWI: Toward application to reservoir characterization: The Leading Edge, 36, no. 11, 924-930,

Li, V., H. Wang, I. Tsvankin, E. Diaz, and T. Alkhalifah, 2017, Inversion gradients for acoustic VTI wavefield tomography: Geophysics, 82, no. 4, WA55-WA65,

Prunty, A.C. and R.K. Snieder, 2017, Demystifying the memory effect: A geometrical approach to understanding speckle correlations: Eur. Phys J. Special Topic, 226, 1445-1455,

Rapstine, T., P.C. Sava, and E. Arias, 2017, Airborne seismic acquisition using stereo vision: Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 6, no. 1, 31-42,

Rocha, D., N. Tanushev, and P.C. Sava, 2017, Anisotropic elastic wavefield imaging using the energy norm: Geophysics, 82, S225-S234,

Shragge, J. and B. Tapley, 2017, Solving the Tensorial 3D Acoustic Wave Equation: A Mimetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain Approach: Geophysics, 82, no. 4, T183-T196,

Shragge, J., D. Lumley, N. Issa, T. Hoskin, A. Paterson and J. Green, 2017, Surveying Batavia’s Graveyard: Geophysical controlled experiments and subsurface imaging of archaeological Sites on an Indian Ocean coral island: Geophysics, 82, no. 4, B147-B163,

Singh, S. and R. Snieder, R., 2017, Source-receiver Marchenko redatuming: Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface: Geophysics, 82, no. 3, Q13-Q21,

Singh, S. and R. Snieder, 2017, Strategies for imaging with Marchenko-retrieved Green’s functions: Geophysics, 82, Q23-Q37,

Singh, S., R. Snieder, J. van der Neut, J. Thorbecke, E. Slob, and K. Wapenaar, K., 2017, Accounting for free-surface multiples in Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, 82, no. 1, R19-R30,

Snieder, R. and J. Schneider, Are you following the right to-do list?, April 2017: Physics World, 44-45,

Snieder, R., C. Sens-Schoenfelder, and R. Wu, 2017, The time dependence of rock healing as a universal relaxation process, a tutorial: Geophys. J. Int., 208, 1-9,

Souza, R., D. Lumley and J. Shragge, 2017, Estimation of reservoir fluid saturation from 4D seismic data: Effects of noise on seismic amplitude and impedance attributes: Journal of Geophysical Engineering, 14, no. 1, 51-68,

Wapenaar, K., J. Thorbecke, J. van der Neut, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2017, Review paper: Virtual sources and their responses, Part II: data-driven single-sided focusing: Geophys. Prosp., 65, no. 6, 1430-1451,

Witten, B., and J. Shragge, 2017, Microseismic Image-domain Velocity Inversion: Marcellus Shale Case Study: Geophysics, 82, no. 6, KS99-KS112,

Witten, B., and J. Shragge, 2017, Image-domain Velocity Inversion and Event Location for Microseismic Monitoring: Geophysics, 82, no. 5, KS71-KS83,


Arora, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2016, Separation of diffracted waves in transversely isotropic media: Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 60, no. 3, 487-499,

Bai, T., and I. Tsvankin, 2016, Time-domain finite-difference modeling for attenuative anisotropic media: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, C69-C77,

Bazargani, F., and R. Snieder, 2016, Optimal source imaging in elastic media: Geophys. J. Int., 204, no. 2, 1134-1147,

Diaz, E., and P.C. Sava, 2016, Understanding the reverse time migration backscattering: noise or signal?: Geophysical Prospecting, 64, no. 3, 581-594,

Duan, Y., and P.C. Sava, 2016, Elastic wavefield tomography with physical model constraints: Geophysics, 81, no. 6, R447-R456,

Kamath, N., and I. Tsvankin, 2016, Elastic full-waveform inversion for VTI media: Methodology and sensitivity analysis: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, C53-C68,

Li, V., I. Tsvankin, and T. Alkhalifah, 2016, Analysis of RTM extended images for VTI media: Geophysics, 81, no. 3, S139-S150,

Planes, T., M.A. Mooney, J.B.R. Rittgers, M.L. Parekh, M. Behm, and R. Snieder, R., 2016, Time-lapse monitoring of internal erosion in earthen dams and levees using ambient seismic noise: Geotechnique, 66, no. 4, 301-312,

Rocha, D., N. Tanushev, and P.C. Sava, 2016, Isotropic elastic wavefield imaging using the energy norm: Geophysics, 81, no. 4, S207-S219,

Rocha, D., N. Tanushev, and P.C. Sava, 2016, Acoustic wavefield imaging using the energy norm: Geophysics, 81, no. 4, S151-S163,

Smith, S., and I. Tsvankin, 2016, Inversion of multicomponent seismic time shifts for reservoir pressure and length: A feasibility study: Geophysical Prospecting, 64, no. 1, 83-101,

Snieder, R. and J. Schneider, The Joy of Science; Seven Principles for Scientists Seeking Happiness, Harmony, and Success, 2016, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge UK.

Snieder, R., C. Sens-Schoenfelder, E. Ruigrok, and K. Shiomi, 2016, Seismic shear waves as Foucault pendulum: Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 2576-2581,

Snieder, R., C. Sens-Schoenfelder, and E. Ruigrok, 2016, Elastic-wave propagation and the Coriolis force: Phys.Today, 69, no. 12, 90-91,

Zabihi Naeini, E., T. Alkhalifah, I. Tsvankin, N. Kamath, and J. Cheng, 2016, Main components of full-waveform inversion for reservoir characterization: First Break, 34, 37-48.


Anderson, B.E., J. Douma, T.J. Ulrich, and R. Snieder, 2015, Improving spatio-temporal focusing and source reconstruction through deconvolution: Wave Motion, 52, 151-159,

Diaz, E., and P.C. Sava, 2015, Wavefield tomography using reverse time migration backscattering: Geophysics, 80, no. 1, R57-R69,

Douma, J., E. Niederleithinger, and R. Snieder, 2015, Locating events using time reversal and deconvolution: Experimental application and analysis: J. Nondestruct. Eval., 34, no. 2,

Douma, J. and R. Snieder, 2015, Focusing of elastic waves for microseismic imaging: Geophys. J. Int., 200, no. 1, 390-401,

Duan, Y., and P.C. Sava, 2015, Scalar imaging condition for elastic reverse-time migration: Geophysics, 80, no. 4, S127-S136,

El Khoury, P., A. Revil, and P.C. Sava, 2015, Seismoelectric beamforming imaging: a sensitivity analysis: Geophysical Journal International, 201, no. 3, 1781-1800,

Grimm, R., D. Stillman, P.C. Sava, and D. Ittharat, 2015, Radio Reflection Imaging of Asteroid and Comet Interiors II: Results and Recommendations: Advances in Space Research, 55, no. 9, 2166-2176,

Jarillo Michel, O., and I. Tsvankin, 2015, Estimation of microseismic source parameters by 2D anisotropic waveform inversion: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 24, no. 4, 379-400,

Kanu, C. and R. Snieder, 2015, Numerical computation of the sensitivity kernel for monitoring weak changes with multiply scattered acoustic waves: Geophys. J. Int., 203, no. 3, 1923-1936,

Kanu, C. and R. Snieder, 2015, Time-lapse imaging of a localized weak change with multiply scattered waves using numerical-based senstivity kernels: J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, no. 8, 5595-5605,

Knaak, A., R. Snieder, L.O. Suilleabhain, Y. Fan, and D. Ramirez-Meija, 2015, Optimized 3D synthetic aperture for controlled-source electromagnetics: Geophysics, 80, no. 6, E309-E316,

Li, L., J. Caers, and P.C. Sava, 2015, Assessing seismic uncertainty via geostatistical velocity model perturbation and image registration: an application to sub-salt imaging: The Leading Edge, 34, no. 9, 1064-1070,

Perrone, F., J. Pannizardi, and P.C. Sava, 2015, Wavefield tomography based on local image correlations: Geophysical Prospecting, 63, no. 1, 35-54,

Perrone, F., and P.C. Sava, 2015, Image-warping waveform tomography: Geophysical Prospecting, 63, no. 5, 1050-1069,

Sava, P.C., Alkhalifah, T., 2015, Anisotropy signature in reverse-time migration extended images: Geophysical Prospecting, 63, no. 2, 271-282,

Sava, P.C., D. Ittharat, R. Grimm, and D. Stillman, 2015, Radio Reflection Imaging of Asteroid and Comet Interiors I: Acquisition and Imaging Theory: Advances in Space Research, 55, no. 9, 2149-2165,

Sawazaki, K., H. Kimura, K. Shioni, N. Uchida, R. Tagaki, and R. Snieder, 2015, Depth-dependence of seismic velocity change associated with the 2011Tohoku earthquake, Japan, revealed from repeating earthquake analysis and finite-difference wave propagation simulation: Geophys. J. Int., 201, no. 2, 741-763,

Sens-Schoenfelder, C., R. Snieder, R. and S.C. Stahler, 2015, The lack of equipartitioning in global body wave coda: Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, no. 18, 7483-7489,

Singh, S., R. Snieder, J. Behura, J. van der Neut, K. Wapenaar, and E. Slob, 2015, Marchenko imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples, and free-surface multiples: Geophysics, 80, S165-S174,

Snieder, R., 2015, Contribution to the Forum on the Grand Challenge for Engineers: Issues in Science and Technology, 31, no 2, 24.

Snieder, R., 2015, Imaging the Earth using Green’s theorem, in The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, Ed.
Higham, N.J., M.R. Dennis, P. Glendinning, P.A. Martin, F. Santosa, and J. Tanner, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton NJ, 857-860.

Snieder, R. and C. Sens-Schoenfelder, 2015, Seismic interferometry and stationary phase at caustics: J. Geophy. Res. Solid Earth, 120, no. 6, 4333-4343,

Snieder, R. and K. van Wijk, 2015, A Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press.

Tamimi, N., I. Tsvankin, and T. L. Davis, 2015, Estimation of VTI parameters using slowness-polarization inversion of P- and SV-waves: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 24, 455-474,

Weemstra, C., R. Snieder, and L. Boschi, 2015, On the estimation of attenuation from the ambient seismic field: inferences from distributions of isotropic point scatterers: Geophys. J. Int., 203, no. 2, 1054-1071,

Yang, T., and P.C. Sava, 2015, Image-domain wavefield tomography with extended common-image-point gathers: Geophysical Prospecting, 63, no. 5, 1086-1096,


Behm, M., R. Snieder, and G.M. Leahy, 2014, Retrieval of local surface wave velocities from traffic noise – an example from the LaBarge basin (Wyoming): Geophys. Prosp., 62, 223-243.

Behura, J., K. Wapenaar, and R. Snieder, 2014, Autofocus imaging: Image reconstruction based on inverse scattering theory: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, A19-A26,

Biondi, B., D. Nichols, and P.C. Sava, 2014, Introduction to the special issue on Imaging Migration: The Leading Edge, 33, 950.

Blum, T.E., K. van Wijk, and R. Snieder, 2014, Scattering amplitude of a single fracture under uniaxial stress: Geophys. J. Int., 197, no. 2, 875-881,

Broggini, F., K. Wapenaar, J. van der Neut, and R. Snieder, 2014, Data-driven Green’s function retrieval and application to imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, no. 1, 425-441,

Broggini, F., R. Snieder, and K. Wapenaar, 2014, Data-driven wavefield focusing and imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: Numerical examples from reflection data with internal multiples: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, WA107-WA115,

Jarillo Michel, O., and I. Tsvankin, 2014, Gradient calculation for waveform inversion of microseismic data in VTI media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 23, 201-217,

Kanu, C., R. Snieder, and C. Pankow, 2014, Time-lapse monitoring of velocity changes in Utah: J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, no. 9, 7209-7225,

Mitcham, C. and R. Snieder, 2014, Science for sale: improved ethics education (letter): Science, 343, no. 6167, 137,

Nakata, N. and R. Snieder, 2014, Monitoring a building using deconvolution interferometry. II: Ambient-vibration analysis: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 104, no. 1, 204-213,

Nakata, N., R, Snieder, and M. Behm, 2014, Body-wave interferometry using regional earthquakes with multidimensional deconvolution after wavefield decomposition at free surface: Geophys. J. Int., 199, no. 2, 1125-1137,

Perrone, F., P.C. Sava, C. Andreoletti, and N. Bienatti, 2014, Linearized wave-equation migration velocity analysis by image warping: Geophysics, 79, S35-S46.

Revil, A., H. Mahardika, G. Barnier, M. Karaoulis, P.C. Sava, A. Jardani, and B. Kulessa, 2014, Seismoelectric coupling in unsaturated porous media: Theory, petrophysics, and saturation front localization: Geophysical Journal International, 196, no. 2, 867-884,

Sava, P.C., A. Revil, and M. Karaoulis, 2014, High definition cross-well electrical resistivity imaging using seismoelectric focusing and image-guided inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 198, no. 2, 880-894,

Shekar, B., and I. Tsvankin, 2014, Point-source radiation in attenuative anisotropic media: Geophysics, 79, no. 5, WB25-WB34,

Shekar, B., and I. Tsvankin, 2014, Kirchhoff modeling for attenuative anisotropic media using Gaussian beams: Geophysics, 79, no. 5, WB51-WB61,

Slob, E., K. Wapenaar, F. Broggini, and R. Snieder, 2014, Seismic reflector imaging using internal multiples with Marchenko-type equations: Geophysics, 79, no. 2, S63-S76,

Wapenaar, K., J. Thorbecke, J. van der Neut, F. Broggini, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2014, Green’s function retrieval from reflection data, in absence of a receiver at the virtual source position: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135, no. 5, 2847-2861,

Wapenaar, K., J. Thorbecke, J. and van der Neut, F. Broggini, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2014, Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, WA39-WA57,

Weemstra, C., W. Westra, R. Snieder, and L. Boschi, 2014, On estimating attenuation from the amplitude of the spectrally whitened ambient seismic field: Geophys. J. Int., 197, no. 3, 1770-1788,

Zabotin, N., O. Godin, P.C. Sava, and L. Zabotina, 2014, Tracing three-dimensional acoustic wavefronts in inhomogeneous, moving media: Journal of Computational Acoustics, 22, no, 2, 1450002-1-1450002-23,


Behm, M. and R. Snieder, 2013, Love waves from local traffic noise interferometry: The Leading Edge, 32, no. 6, 628-632,

Behura, J. and R. Snieder, 2013, Virtual real source: source signature estimation using seismic interferometry: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, Q57-Q68,

Cai, P., and I. Tsvankin, 2013, Joint migration velocity analysis of PP- and PS-waves for VTI media: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, WC123-WC135,

Diaz, E., P.C. Sava, and T. Yang, 2013, Data-domain and image-domain wavefield tomography: The Leading Edge, 32, no. 9, 1064-1072,

Fomel, S., P.C. Sava, I. Vlad, Y. Liu, and V. Bashkardin, 2013, Madagascar open-source software project: Journal of Open Research Software, 1, no. 1,

Godwin, J., and P.C. Sava, 2013, A comparison of shot-encoding schemes for wave-equation migration: Geophysical Prospecting, 61, no. 1, 391-408,

Hunziker, J., E. Slob, Y. Fan, R. Snieder, and K. Wapenaar, 2013, Electromagnetic interferometry in wavenumber and space domains in a layered earth: Geophysics, 78, no. 3, E137-E148,

Kamath, N., and I. Tsvankin, 2013, Full-waveform inversion of multicomponent data for horizontally layered VTI media: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, WC113-WC121,

Kanu, C.O., R. Snieder, and D. O’Connell, 2013, Estimation of velocity change using repeating earthquakes with different locations and focal mechanisms: J. Geophys. Res. 118, no. 6, 2905-2914,

Knaak, A., R. Snieder, Y. Fan, and D. Ramirez-Meija, D., 2013, 3D synthetic aperture and steering for controlled source electromagnetics: The Leading Edge, 32, no. 8, 972-978,

Nakata, N., R. Snieder, S. Kuroda, S. Ito, T. Aizawa, and T. Kunimi, 2013, Monitoring a building using deconvolution interferometry. I: Earthquake-data analysis: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 103, no. 3, 1662-1678,

Robinson, D.J., M. Sambridge, R. Snieder, and J. Hauser, 2013, Relocating a cluster of earthquakes using a single station: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 103, no. 6, 3057-3072,

Sava, P.C., and T. Alkhalifah, 2013, Wide-azimuth angle gathers for anisotropic wave-equation migration: Geophysical Prospecting, 61, no. 1, 75-91,

Sawazaki, K. and R. Snieder, 2013, Time-lapse changes of P- and S-wave velocities and shear wave splitting in the first year after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan: shallow subsurface: Geophys. J. Int., 193, no. 1, 238-251,

Shragge, J., T. Yang, and P.C. Sava, 2013, Time-lapse image-domain tomography using adjoint-state methods: Geophysics (Letters), 78, no. 4, A29-A33,

Smith, S., and I. Tsvankin, 2013, Sensitivity of compaction-induced multicomponent seismic time shifts to variations in reservoir properties: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, T151-T163,

Snieder, R. and E. Larose, 2013, Extracting Earth’s elastic wave response from noise measurements: Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 41, 183-206,

Wang, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2013, Multiparameter TTI tomography of P-wave reflection and VSP data: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, WC51-WC63,

Wang, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2013, Ray-based gridded tomography for tilted transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 78, no. 1, C11-C23,

Wapenaar, K., F. Broggini, E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2013, Three-dimensional single-sided Marchenko inverse scattering, data-driven focusing, Green’s function retrieval, and their mutual relations: Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 084301,

Yang, T., J. Shragge, and P.C. Sava, 2013, Illumination compensation for image-domain wavefield tomography: Geophysics, 78, no. 5, U65-U76,


Behura, J., I. Tsvankin, E. Jenner, and A. Calvert, 2012, Estimation of interval velocity and attenuation anisotropy from reflection data at Coronation Field: The Leading Edge, 31, no. 5, 580-587,

Broggini, F., and R. Snieder, 2012, Connection of scattering principles: a visual and mathematical tour: Eur. J. Phys., 33, no. 3, 593-613,

Broggini, F., R. Snieder, and K. Wapenaar, 2012, Focusing the wavefield inside an unknown 1D medium: Beyond seismic interferometry: Geophysics, 77, no. 5, A25-A28,

Fan, Y., R. Snieder, E. Slob, J. Hunziker, J. Singer, J. Sheiman, J. and M. Rosenquist, 2012, Increasing the sensitivity of controlled-source electromagnetics with synthetic aperture: Geophysics, 77, no. 2, E135-E145,

Mikesell, T.D., K.van Wijk, T.E. Blum, R. Snieder, R. and H. Sato, 2012, Analyzing the coda from correlating scattered surface waves: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131, EL275-EL281,

Nakata, N. and R. Snieder, 2012, Estimating near-surface shear-wave velocities in Japan by applying seismic interferometry to KiK-net data: J. Geophys. Res., 117, no. B1, B01308,

Nakata, N. and R. Snieder, R., 2012, Time-lapse change in anisotropy in Japan’s near surface after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, no. 11, L11313,

Newton, C. and R. Snieder, 2012, Estimating intrinsic attenuation of a building using deconvolution interferometry and time reversal: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 102, no. 5, 2200-2208,

Pech, A., F. Sanchez-Sesma, R. Snieder, F. Ignacio-Caballero, A. Rodriguez-Castellanos, and J.C. Ortiz-Aleman, 2012, Estimate of shear wave velocity and its time-lapse change, from seismic data recorded at the SMNH01 station of KiK-net using seismic interferometry: Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 39, 128-137,

Perrone, F., and P.C. Sava, 2012, Wave-equation migration with dithered plane waves: Geophysical Prospecting, 60, no. 3, 444-465,

Sava, P.C., and A. Revil, 2012, Virtual electrode current injection using seismic focusing and seismoelectric conversion: Geophysical Journal International (Express Letters), 191, no. 3, 1205-1209,

Shekar, B., and I. Tsvankin, 2012, Anisotropic attenuation analysis of crosshole data generated during hydraulic fracturing: The Leading Edge, 31, no. 5, 588-593,

Smith, S., and I. Tsvankin, 2012, Modeling and analysis of compaction-induced traveltime shifts for multicomponent seismic data: Geophysics, 77, no. 6, T221-T237,

Snieder, R., 2012, A Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences (Japanese Translation of 2nd edition), Kyoritsu Publishing.

Snieder, R., H. Douma, and I. Vasconcelos, I., 2012, Extracting the Green’s function from measurements of the energy flux: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131, no. 4, EL309-EL315,

Snieder, R., K. Larner, and T. Boyd, 2012, Teaching graduate students The Art of Science, in Organizations, People and Strategies in Astronomy, Volume 1 (OPSA I), 113-134, Ed. A. Heck, Venngeist, Duttlenheim.

Takanashi, M., and I. Tsvankin, 2012, Migration velocity analysis for TI media in the presence of quadratic lateral velocity variation: Geophysics, 77, no. 6, U87-U96,

Takanashi, M., and I. Tsvankin, 2012, Moveout analysis of wide-azimuth data in the presence of lateral velocity variation: Geophysics, 77, no. 3, U49-U62,

Ulrich, T.J., B. Anderson, P.-Y. Le Bas, C. Payan, J. Douma, and R. Snieder, 2012, Improving time reversal focusing through deconvolution: 20 questions, Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics, 16, no. 1, 045015,

Wapenaar, K., F. Broggini, and R. Snieder, 2012, Creating a virtual source inside a medium from reflection data: heuristic derivation and stationary phase analysis: Geophys. J. Int., 190, no. 2, 1020-1024,

Yan, J., and P.C. Sava, 2011, Elastic wave-mode separation for tilted transverse isotropy media: Geophysical Prospecting, 60, no. 1, 29-48,

Zabotin, N., O. Godin, P.C. Sava, L. Zabotina, 2012, Acoustic wavefront tracing in inhomogeneous moving media: Journal of Computational Acoustics, 20, no. 4, 125009-1-125009-17,


Alkhalifah, T., and P.C. Sava, 2011, Migration using a transversely isotropic medium with tilt normal to the reflector dip: International Journal of Geophysics, article ID 530106,

Blum, T.E., K. van Wijk, R. Snieder, and M. Willis, 2011, Laser excitation of a fracture source for elastic waves: Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 275501,

Blum, T.E., R. Snieder, K. van Wijk and M.E. Willis, M.E., 2011, Theory and laboratory experiments of elastic wave scattering by dry planar fractures: J. Geophys. Res., 116, no. B8, B08218,

Douma, H., I. Vasconcelos and R. Snieder, 2011, The reciprocity theorem for the scattered field is the progenitor of the generalized optical theorem: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129, no. 5, 2765-2771,

Fan, Y., R. Snieder, E. Slob, J. Hunziker and J. Singer, 2011, Steering and focusing diffusive fields using synthetic aperture: Europhys. Lett., 95, no. 3, 34006,

Fuck, R. F., I. Tsvankin, and A. Bakulin, 2011, Influence of background heterogeneity on traveltime shifts for compacting reservoirs: Geophysical Prospecting, 59, no. 1, 78-89,

Hunziker, J., E. Slob, K. Wapenaar, Y. Fan and R. Snieder, 2011, Time-lapse controlled-source electromagnetics using interferometry: The Leading Edge, 30, no. 5, 564-567,

Kwon, M.J. and R. Snieder, 2011, Uncertainty analysis for the integration of seismic and controlled source electro-magnetic data: Geophys. Prosp., 59, no. 4, 609-626,

Nakata, N. and R. Snieder, 2011, Near-surface weakening in Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, no. 17, L17302,

Nakata, N., R. Snieder, T. Tsuji, K. Larner, and T. Matsuoka, 2011, Shear wave imaging from traffic noise using seismic interferometry by cross-coherence: Geophysics, 76, no. 6, SA97-SA106,

Robinson, D.J., M. Sambridge and R. Snieder, 2011, A probabilistic approach for estimating the separation between a pair of earthquakes directly from their coda waves: J. Geophys. Res., 116, no. B4, B04309,

Sava, P.C., 2011, Micro-earthquake monitoring with sparsely-sampled data: Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 1, no. 1, 43-49,

Sava, P.C., and I. Vasconcelos, 2011, Extended imaging condition for wave-equation migration: Geophysical Prospecting, 59, no. 1, 35-55,

Sava, P.C., and I. Vlad, 2011, Wide-azimuth angle gathers for wave-equation migration: Geophysics, 76, no. 3, S131-S141,

Schneider, J. and R. Snieder, 2011, Putting partnership first: a dialogue model for science and risk communication: GSA Today, 21, no. 1, 36-37,

Shekar, B., and I. Tsvankin, 2011, Estimation of shear-wave interval attenuation from mode-converted data: Geophysics, 76, no. 6, D11-D19,

Snieder, R., 2011, Converging research fields need converging communities: Seismol. Res. Lett., 82, 477-478.

Takanashi, M., and I. Tsvankin, 2011, Correction for the influence of velocity lenses on nonhyperbolic moveout inversion for VTI media: Geophysics, 76, no. 3, WA13-WA21,

Wang, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2011, Moveout inversion of wide-azimuth P-wave data for tilted TI media: Geophysics, 76, no. 3, WA23-WA29,

Wapenaar, K., J. van der Neut, E. Ruigrok, D. Draganov, J. Hunziker, E. Slob, J. Thorbecke and R. Snieder, 2011, Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by mutidimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison: Geophys. J. Int., 185, no. 3, 1335-1364,

Yang, T., and P.C. Sava, P.C., Wave-equation migration velocity analysis with time-lag imaging: Geophysical Prospecting, 59, no. 4, 635-650,

Yan, J., and P.C. Sava, 2011, Improving the efficiency of elastic wave-mode separation for heterogeneous TTI media: Geophysics, 76, no. 4, T65-T78,

Zhang, R.R., R. Snieder, L. Gargab, and A. Seibi, 2011, Modeling of seismic wave motion in high rise buildings: Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 26, 520-527,


Alkhalifah, T., and P.C. Sava, 2010, A transversely isotropic medium with a tilted symmetry axis normal to the reflector: Geophysics (Letters), 75, no. 3, A19-A24,

Fan , Y., R. Snieder, E. Slob, J. Hunziker, J. Singer, J. Sheiman, and M. Rosenquist, 2010, Synthetic aperture controlled source electromagnetics: Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L13305,

Forghani, F. and R. Snieder, 2010, Underestimation of body waves and feasibility of surface-wave reconstruction by seismic interferometry: The Leading Edge, 29, no. 7, 790-794,

Fleury, C., R. Snieder, and K. Larner, 2010, General representation theorem for perturbed media and application to Green’s function retrieval for scattering problems: Geophys. J. Int., 183, no. 3, 1648-1662,

Slob, E., R. Snieder and A. Revil, 2010, Retrieving electric resistivity data from self‐potential measurements by cross‐correlation: Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, no. 4, L04308,

Smith, S. and R. Snieder, 2010, Seismic modeling and analysis of a prototype heated nuclear waste storage tunnel, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Geophysics, 75, no. 1, T1-T8,

Snieder, R., Y. Fan, E. Slob, and K. Wapenaar, 2010, Equipartitioning is not sufficient for Green’s function extraction: Earthquake Science, 23, 403-415,

Snieder, R. and C. Fleury, 2010, Cancellation of spurious arrivals in Green’s function retrieval of multiple scattered waves: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 128, no. 4, 1598-1605,

Snieder, R., E. Slob, and K. Wapenaar, 2010, Lagrangian Green’s function extraction, with applications to potential fields, diffusion, and acoustic waves: New J. Phys., 12, 063013, doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/6/063013.

Snieder, R. and K. Wapenaar, 2010, Imaging with ambient noise: Phys. Today, 63, no. 9, 44-49,

Sollner, W., I. Tsvankin, and E. F. F. Silva, 2010, Multi-azimuth prestack time migration for anisotropic, weakly heterogeneous media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 19, 187-206.

Tsvankin, I., J. Gaiser, V. Grechka, M. van der Baan, and L. Thomsen, 2010, Seismic anisotropy in exploration and reservoir characterization: An overview: Geophysics, 75, no. 5, 75A15-75A29,

Vasconcelos, I., P.C. Sava,  and H. Douma, 2010, Nonlinear extended images via image-domain interferometry: Geophysics, 75, SA105–SA115,

Wapenaar, K., D. Draganov, R. Snieder, X. Campman, and A. Verdel, 2010, Tutorial on seismic interferometry. Part 1: Basic principles and applications: Geophysics, 75, no. 5, 75A195-75A209,

Wapenaar, K., E. Slob, R. Snieder, and A. Curtis, 2010, Tutorial on seismic interferometry. Part 2: Underlying theory: Geophysics, 75, no. 5, 75A211-75A227,

Wapenaar, K., E. Slob and R. Snieder, 2010, On seismic interferometry, the generalized optical theorem, and the scattering matrix of a point scatterer: Geophysics, 75, no. 3, SA27-SA35,

Wang, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2010, Stacking-velocity inversion with borehole constraints for tilted TI media: Geophysics, 75, no. 5, D69-D77,

Xuan, R., and P.C. Sava, 2010, Probabilistic micro-earthquake location for reservoir monitoring and characterization: Geophysics, 75, MA9-MA26,

Yang, T., and P.C. Sava, 2010, Moveout analysis of wave-equation extended images: Geophysics, 75, no. 4, 151-161,




Ayzenberg, M., I. Tsvankin, A. Aizenberg, and B. Ursin, 2009, Effective reflection coefficients for curved interfaces in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB33-WB53,

Behura, J., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Estimation of interval anisotropic attenuation from reflection data: Geophysics, 74, no. 6, A69-A74,

Behera, L., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Migration velocity analysis for tilted transversely isotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 57, no 1, 13-26,

Behura, J., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Reflection coefficients in attenuative anisotropic media: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB193-WB202,

Behura, J., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Role of the inhomogeneity angle in anisotropic attenuation analysis: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB177-WB191,

Fan, Y. and R. Snieder, 2009, Required source distribution for interferometry of waves and diffusive fields: Geophys. J. Int., 179,  no. 2, 1232-1244,

Fuck, R. F., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Analysis of the symmetry of a stressed medium using nonlinear elasticity: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB79-WB87,

Fuck, R. F., A. Bakulin, and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Theory of traveltime shifts around compacting reservoirs: 3D solutions for heterogeneous anisotropic media: Geophysics, 74, no. 1, D25-D36,

Lin, F.C., M.H. Ritzwoller and R. Snieder, 2009, Eikonal tomography: surface wave tomography by phase front tracking across a regional broad-band seismic array: Geophys. J. Int., 177, no. 3, 1091-1110,

Ma, Y., and P.C. Sava, 2009, The effects of multi-scale heterogeneities on wave-equation migration: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18, 357-383.

Sava, P.C., and S. Hill, 2009, Overview and classification of wavefield seismic imaging methods: The Leading Edge, 28, no. 2, 170-183,

Silva, E., and P.C. Sava, P.C., Modelling and migration with orthogonal isochron rays: Geophysical Prospecting, 57, no. 5, 773-784,

Silva, E., and P.C. Sava, 2009, Accelerating wavefield extrapolation isochron-ray migration: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18, 21-42.

Snieder, R., 2009, Extracting the time-domain building response from random vibrations, in T. Schanz and R. Iankov, eds., Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation: Springer, 283-292.

Snieder, R., 2009, Book review of “Seismic Interferometry” by G.T. Schuster: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126, 3375.

Snieder, R., J. Francisco, and K. Wapenaar, 2009, Field fluctuations, imaging with backscattered waves, a generalized energy theorem, and the optical theorem: Siam J. S. Imaging Sciences, 2, no. 2, 763-776,

Snieder, R. and K. Larner, 2009, The Art of Being a Scientist, A Guide for Graduate Students and their Mentors: Cambridge University Press.

Snieder, R., M. Miyazawa, E. Slob, I. Vasconcelos, I. and K. Wapenaar, 2009, A comparison of strategies for seismic interferometry, Surveys in Geophysics, 30, 503-523, This paper is reproduced in the following book: Gu, Y.J., ed., Arrays and array methods in global seismology: Springer, 2010.

Snieder, R., F.J. Sanchez-Sesma, and K. Wapenaar, 2009, Field fluctuations, imaging with backscattered waves, a generalized energy theorem, and the optical theorem: SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2, no. 2, 763-776,

Snieder, R. and T. Young, T., 2009, Facing major challenges in carbon capture and sequestration: GSA Today, 19, no. 11, 36-37,

Vasconcelos, I., R. Snieder and H. Douma, 2009, Reciprocity theorems and Green’s function retrieval in perturbed acoustic media: Phys. Rev. E, 80, 036605,

Wang, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2009, Estimation of interval anisotropy parameters using velocity-independent layer stripping: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB117-WB127,

Yan, J., and P.C. Sava, 2009, Elastic wavefield separation for VTI media: Geophysics, 74, no. 5, WB19-WB32,


Bleistein, N., and S. Gray, 2008, From the Hagedoorn imaging technique to Kirchhoff migration and inversion: Geophysical Prospecting, 49, no. 6, 629-643,

Gipprich, T.L., R.K. Snieder, R.W. Jibson and W. Kimman, 2008, The role of shear and tensile failure in dynamically triggered landslides: Geophys. J. Int., 172, no. 2, 770-778,

Mehta, K., J.L. Sheiman, 2008, R. Snieder, and R. Calvert, Strengthening the virtual-source method for time-lapse monitoring: Geophysics: 73, no. 3, S73-S80,

Mehta, K., R. Snieder, R. Calvert and J. Sheiman, J., 2008, Acquisition geometry requirements for generating virtual-source data: The Leading Edge, 27, no. 5, 620-629,

Miyazawa, M., R. Snieder, and A. Venkataraman, 2008, Application of seismic interferometry to extract P and S wave propagation and observation of shear wave splitting from noise data at Cold Lake, Canada: Geophysics, 73, no. 4, D35-D40,

Miyazawa, M., A. Venkataraman, R. Snieder and M.A. Payne, 2008, Analysis of microearthquake data at Cold Lake and its applications to reservoir monitoring: Geophysics, 73, no. 3, O15-O21,

Sava, P.C., and I. Vlad, 2008, Numeric implementation of wave-equation migration velocity analysis operators: Geophysics, 73, no. 5, VE145-VE159,

Sava, P.C., and O. Poliannikov, 2008, Interferometric imaging condition for wave-equation migration: Geophysics, 73, no. 2, S47-S61,

Snieder, R., and S. Benson, 2008, Education for the global energy challenge: Phys. Today, 61, no. 7, 48-49,

Snieder, R. and S. Benson, 2008, Help make a difference with education and outreach for the global energy challenge!: The Leading Edge, 27, 1364-1370.

Snieder, R., K. van Wijk, M. Haney, and R. Calvert, 2008, The cancellation of spurious arrivals in Green’s function extraction and the generalized optical theorem: Phys. Rev. E, 78, 036606,

Rosales, D., S. Fomel, B. Biondi, and P.C. Sava, 2008, Wave-equation angle-domain common-image gathers for converted waves: Geophysics, 73, no. 1, S17-S26,

Tsvankin, I., 2008, Properties of evanescent waves in anisotropic media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 17, 237-251.

Xu, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2008, Moveout-based geometrical-spreading correction for PS-waves in layered anisotropic media: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 5, 195-202,

Vasconcelos, I. and R. Snieder, 2008, Interferometry by deconvolution, Part 1- Theory for acoustic waves and numerical examples: Geophysics, 73, no. 3, S115-S128,

Vasconcelos, I. and R. Snieder, 2008, Interferometry by deconvolution: Part 2 – Theory for elastic waves and application to drill-bit seismic imaging: Geophysics, 73, no. 3, S129-S141,

Vasconcelos, I., R. Snieder, and B. Hornby, 2008, Imaging internal multiples from subsalt VSP data – Examples of target-oriented interferometry: Geophysics, 73, no. 4, S157-S168,

Vasconcelos, I., R. Snieder, R., P.C. Sava, T. Taylor, M. Malin, and A. Chavarria, 2008, Drill bit noise illuminates the San Andreas fault, EOS Trans: Am. Geophys. Union, 89, 349.

Wapenaar, K., E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2008, Seismic and electromagnetic controlled-source interferometry in dissipative media: Geophys. Prosp., 56, 419-434.

Yan, J., and I. Tsvankin, 2008, AVO-sensitive semblance analysis for wide-azimuth data: Geophysics, 73, no. 2, U1-U11,

Yan, J., and P.C. Sava, 2008, Isotropic angle-domain elastic reverse-time migration: Geophysics, 73, no. 6, S229-S239,


DePaolo, D. and F.M. Orr Jr., S.M. Benson, M. Celia, A. Felmy, K.L. Nagy, G.E. Fogg, R. Snieder, J. Davis, K. Pruess, J. Friedmann, M. Peters, N.B. Woodward, P. Dobson, K. Talahami, and M. Saarni, 2007, Basic research needs for geosciences: facilitating 21st century energy systems, Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences.

Haney, M., R. Snieder, J.P, Ampuero, and R. Hofmann, 2007, Spectral element modeling of fault-plane reflections arising from fluid pressure distributions: Geophys. J. Int., 170, no. 2, 933-951,

Landro, M., and I. Tsvankin, 2007, Seismic critical-angle reflectometry: A method to characterize azimuthal anisotropy?: Geophysics, 72, no. 3, D41-D50,

Larner, K., and V. Celis, 2007, Selective-correlation velocity analysis: Geophysics, 72, no. 2, 1MA-Z35,

Mehta, K., A. Bakulin, J. Sheiman, R. Calvert, and R. Snieder, 2007, Improving the virtual source method by wavefield separation: Geophysics, 72, V79-V86,

Mehta, K., R. Snieder, and V. Graizer, 2007, Extraction of near-surface properties for lossy layered medium using propagator matrix: Geophys. J. Int., 169, no. 1, 271-280,

Mehta, K., R. Snieder, and V. Graizer, 2007, Downhole receiver function: a case study: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 97, no. 5,1396-1403,

Robinson, D.J., R. Snieder, and M. Sambridge, 2007, Using coda wave interferometry for estimating the variation in source mechanism between double couple events: J. Geophys. Res., 112, B12302,

Robinson, D., M. Sambridge, and R. Snieder, 2007, Constraints of coda wave interferometry estimates of source separation: the acoustic case: Exploration Geoph., 38, 189-199,

Sava, P.C., 2007, Stereographic imaging condition for wave-equation migration: Geophysics (Letters), 72, no. 6, A87-A91,

Sava, P.C., and S. Fomel, 2007, High-order kernels for Riemannian wavefield extrapolation: Geophysical Prospecting, 56, no. 1, 49-60,

Snieder, R., 2007, Extracting the Green’s function of attenuating heterogeneous media from uncorrelated waves: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 121, no. 5, 2637-2643,

Snieder, R., 2007, Incoherent vibrations caused by an earthquake; retrieving the response of a building, IRIS Newsletter, number 1, p.3-4.

Snieder, R., S. Hubbard, M. Haney, G. Bawden, P. Hatchell, A. Revil, and DOE Geophysical Monitoring Working Group, 2007, Advanced non-invasive geophysical monitoring techniques: Ann. Rev. of Earth Planet. Sci., 35, 653-683.

Snieder, R. and J. Page, 2007, Multiple scattering in evolving media: Phys. Today, 60, no. 5, 49-55,

Snieder, R., K. Wapenaar and U. Wegler, 2007, Unified Green’s function retrieval by cross-correlation; connection with energy principles: Phys. Rev. E, 75, 036103,

Wapenaar, K. and R. Snieder, 2007, Chaos tamed: Nature, 447, 643,

Xu, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2007, A case study of azimuthal AVO analysis with anisotropic spreading correction: The Leading Edge, 26, no. 12, 1552-1561,

Zhang, Y., S. Xu, N. Bleistein, and G. Zhang, 2007, True amplitude angle-domain common-image gathers from one-way wave equation migrations: Geophysics, 72, no. 1, 12JF-Z15,

Zhu, Y., I. Tsvankin, P. Dewangan, and K. van Wijk, 2007, Physical modeling and analysis of P-wave attenuation anisotropy in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 72, no. 1, D1-D7,

Zhu, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2007, Plane-wave attenuation anisotropy in orthorhombic media: Geophysics, 72, no. 1, D9-D19,

Zhu, Y., I. Tsvankin, and I. Vasconcelos, 2007, Effective attenuation anisotropy of thin-layered media: Geophysics, 72, no. 5, D93-D106,


Behura, J., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Small-angle AVO response of PS-waves in tilted transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 71, no. 5, C69-C79,

Curtis, A., P. Gerstoft, H. Sato, R. Snieder, R. and K. Wapenaar, 2006, Seismic interferometry — turning noise into signal: The Leading Edge, 25, no. 9, 1082-1092,

Dewangan, P., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Modeling and inversion of PS-wave moveout asymmetry for tilted TI media: Part 1 – Horizontal TTI layer: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, D107-D121,

Dewangan, P., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Modeling and inversion of PS-wave moveout asymmetry for tilted TI media: Part 2 – Dipping TTI layer: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, D123-D134,

Dewangan, P., I. Tsvankin, M. Batzle, K. van Wijk, and M. Haney, 2006, PS-wave moveout inversion for tilted TI media: A physical-modeling study: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, D135-D143,

Dewangan, P., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Velocity-independent layer stripping of PP and PS reflection traveltimes: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, U59-U65,

Douma, H., and M. V. de Hoop, 2006, Explicit expressions for pre-stack map time-migration in isotropic and VTI media and the applicability of map depth-migration in heterogeneous media: Geophysics, 71, no. 1, 1942-2156,

Douma, H. and R. Snieder, 2006, Correcting for bias due to noise in coda wave interferometry: Geophys. J. Int, 164, 99-108,

Fuck, R. F., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Seismic signatures of two orthogonal sets of vertical microcorrugated fractures: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 15, 183-208,

Grêt, A., R. Snieder, and J. Scales, 2006, Time-lapse monitoring of rock properties with coda wave interferometry: J. Geophys. Res., 111, B03305,

Grêt, A., R. Snieder, and U. Ozbay, 2006, Monitoring in-situ stress changes in a mining environment with coda wave interferometry: Geophys. J. Int., 167, 504-508,

Larner, K., and V. Celis, 2006, Selective-correlation velocity analysis: Geophysics, 72, no. 2, 1942-2156.

Mehta, K. and R. Snieder, 2006, Time reversed imaging for perturbed media: Am. J. Phys., 74, 224-231.

Pacheco, C. and R. Snieder, 2006, Time-lapse traveltime change of single scattered acoustic waves: Geophys. J. Int., 165, no. 2, 485-500,

Sambridge, M., C. Beghein, F. Simons, and R. Snieder, 2006, How do we understand and visualize uncertainty?: The Leading Edge, 25, no. 5, 542-546,

Sarkar, D., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Anisotropic migration velocity analysis: Application to a data set from West Africa: Geophysical Prospecting, 54, no. 5, 575-587,

Sava, P.C., 2006, Imaging overturning reflections by Riemannian wavefield extrapolation: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 15, no. 3, 209-223,

Sava, P.C., 2006, Subsalt Exploration and Development: Imaging, Interpretation, and Drilling – What have we learned?: The Leading Edge, 25, no. 11, 1370-1376,

Sava, P.C., and S. Fomel, 2006, Time-shift imaging condition in seismic migration: Geophysics, 71, no. 6, S209-S217,

Snieder, R., 2006, The theory of coda wave interferometry: Pure and Appl. Geophysics, 163, 455-473,

Snieder, R., 2006, Retrieving the Green’s function of the diffusion equation from the response to a random forcing: Phys. Rev. E, 74, 046620,

Snieder, R., 2006, The coherent backscattering effect for moving scatterers: Europhys. Lett., 74, 630-636,

Snieder, R. and E. Șafak, 2006, Extracting the building response using seismic interferometry: Theory and application to the Millikan library in Pasadena, California: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 96, 586-598,

Snieder, R., J. Sheiman, and R. Calvert, 2006, Equivalence of the virtual source method and wavefield deconvolution in seismic interferometry: Phys. Rev. E, 73, 066620,

Snieder, R., K. Wapenaar, K. Larner, 2006, Spurious multiples in seismic interferometry of primaries: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, SI111-SI124,

Thompson, D. and Snieder, R., 2006, Seismic anisotropy of a building: The Leading Edge, 25, 109.

Tsvankin, I., and V. Grechka, 2006, Developments in seismic anisotropy: Treating realistic subsurface models in imaging and fracture detection: CSEG Recorder, 31 (special edition), 43-46, Link

Tsvankin, I., and V. Grechka, 2006, Interview to the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists: CSEG Recorder, 31 (No. 4), 14-26. Reprinted in The Leading Edge, 25, no. 10, 1244-1251.

V. de Hoop, M., R. D. van Der Hilst, P. Shen, 2006, Wave-equation reflection tomography: annihilators and sensitivity kernels: Geophysical Journal International, 167, no. 3, 1332-1352,

Vasconcelos, I., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Nonhyperbolic moveout inversion of wide-azimuth P-wave data for orthorhombic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 54, no. 5, 535-552,

Wapenaar, K., E. Slob, and R. Snieder, 2006, Unified Green’s function retrieval by cross-correlation: Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 234301,

Wegler, U., B.G. Lehr, R. Snieder, and A. Ratdomopurbo, 2006, Increase of shear velocity before the 1998 eruption of Merapi volcano Indonesia: Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09303,

Xu, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Anisotropic geometrical-spreading correction for wide-azimuth P-wave reflections: Geophysics, 71, no. 5, D161-D170,

Xu, X., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Azimuthal AVO analysis with anisotropic spreading correction: A synthetic study: The Leading Edge, 25, no. 11, 1336-1342,

Zhu, Y., and I. Tsvankin, 2006, Plane-wave propagation in attenuative transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 71, no. 2, T17-T30,


Al-Zayer, R., and I. Tsvankin, 2005, Image gathers of SV-waves in homogeneous and factorized VTI media: Geophysics, 70, no. 5, D55-D64,

Grechka, V., Pech, A., and I. Tsvankin, 2005, Parameter estimation in orthorhombic media using multicomponent wide-azimuth reflection data: Geophysics, 70, no. 2, D1-D8,

Grêt, A., R. Snieder, R.C. Aster, and P.R. Kyle, 2005, Monitoring rapid temporal changes in a volcano with coda wave interferometry: Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L06304,

Haney, M.M., R. Snieder, J. Sheiman, and S. Losh, 2005, A moving fluid pulse in a fault zone: Nature, 437, no. 46,

Haney, M., R, Snieder, and J. Sheiman, 2005, Further thoughts on the stacking response in seismic data processing: First Break, 23, 35-38.

Haney, M.M., K. van Wijk, and R. Snieder, 2005, Radiative transfer in layered media and its connection to the O’Doherty-Anstey formula: Geophysics, 70, no. 1, T1-T11,

Malcolm, A. E., and M. V. de Hoop, 2005, A method for inverse scattering based on the generalized Bremmer coupling series: Inverse Problems, 21, 1137-1167,

Malcolm, A.E., M. V. de Hoop, and J.H. Le Rousseau, 2005, The applicability of dip moveout/azimuth moveout in the presence of caustics: Geophysics, 70, no. 1, S1-S17,

Pacheco, C. and R. Snieder, 2005, Time-lapse travel time change of multiply scattered acoustic waves: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, 1300-1310,

Sava, P.C., and S. Fomel, 2005, Riemannian wavefield extrapolation: Geophysics, 70, no. 3, T45-T56,

Sava, P.C., B. Biondi, and J. Etgen, 2005, Wave-equation migration velocity analysis by focusing of diffractions and reflections: Geophysics, 70, no. 3, U19-U27,

Sava, P.C., and A. Guitton, 2005, Multiple attenuation in the image space: Geophysics, 70, no. 1, V10-V20,

Snieder, R., and M. Vrijlandt, 2005, Constraining Relative Source Locations with Coda Wave Interferometry: Theory and Application to Earthquake Doublets in the Hayward Fault, California: J. Geophys. Res., 110, B04301,

Wapenaar, K., J. Fokkema, R. Snieder, R., 2005, Retrieving the Green’s function by cross-correlation: a comparison of approaches: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, no. 5, 2783-2786,

Xu, X., I. Tsvankin, and A. Pech, 2005, Geometrical spreading of P-waves in horizontally layered, azimuthally anisotropic media: Geophysics, 70, no. 5, D43-D54,


Dewangan, P., and I. Tsvankin, 2004, Application of PS-wave moveout assymmetry in parameter estimation for tilted TTI media: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts,

Foss, S., and B. Ursin, 2004, 2.5-D modeling, inversion and angle migration in anisotropic elastic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 52, no. 1, 65-84,

Godey, S., F. Deschamps, J. Trampert, and R. Snieder, 2004, Thermal and compositional anomalies beneath the North American continent: J. Geophys. Res., 109,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2004, Characterization of dipping fractures in a transversely isotropic background: Geophysical Prospecting, 52, no. 1, 1-10,

Haney, M., J. Sheiman, R. Snieder, S. Naruk, J. Busch, and S. Wilkins, 2004, Fault-plane reflections as a diagnostic of pressure differences in reservoirs – South Eugene Island, offshore Louisiana, Proceedings of the conference on “Fault and top seals”, O07(1-10), EAGE, Houston.

Haney, M., K. van Wijk, and R. Snieder, 2004, Radiative transfer in 1D and connection to the O’Doherty-Anstey formula, Geophysics, 21, no. 70, 1-11,

Michaud, G., and R. Snieder, 2004, Error in shear-wave polarization and time splitting: Geophys. Prosp., 52, no. 2, 123-132,

Pech, A., and I. Tsvankin, 2004, Quartic moveout coefficient for a dipping azimuthally anisotropic layer: Geophysics, 69, no. 3, 699-707,

Sarkar, D., and I. Tsvankin, 2004, Migration velocity analysis in factorized VTI media: Geophysics, 69, no. 3, 708-718,

Sava, P.C., and B. Biondi, 2004, Wave-equation migration velocity analysis – I: Theory: Geophysical Prospecting, 52, no. 6, 593-606,

Sava, P.C., and B. Biondi, 2004, Wave-equation migration velocity analysis – II: Subsalt imaging example: Geophysical Prospecting, 52, no. 6, 607-623,

Snieder, R., 2004, Coda wave interferometry, in 2004 McGraw-Hill yearbook of science & technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 54-56.

Snieder, R., 2004, A guided tour of mathematical methods for the physical sciences, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.

Snieder, R., 2004, Extracting the Green’s function from the correlation of coda waves: A derivation based on stationary phase: Phys. Rev. E, 69, no. 4, 046610,

Snieder, R., and M. Hagerty, 2004, Monitoring change in Volcanic Interiors using Coda Wave Interferometry: Application to Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, no. 9, L09608,

Snieder, R., and A. van den Beukel, 2004, The liquefaction cycle and the role of drainage in liquefaction: Granular Matter, 6,

Spetzler, J., and R. Snieder, R., 2004, The Fresnel volume and transmitted waves: Geophysics, 69, no. 3, 653-663,

Ursin, B., 2004, Parameter inversion and angle migration in anisotropic elastic media, Geophysics, 69, no. 5, 1125-1142,

Van Wijk, K., 2004, Analysis of strong scattering at the micro-scale: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115, 1006,


Brandsberg-Dahl, S., B. Ursin, and M.V. de Hoop, 2003, Seismic velocity analysis in the scattering-angle / azimuth domain: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, no. 4, 295-314,

De Hoop, A. T., and M. V. de Hoop, 2003, Transient elastic P and SV wave edge diffraction by a semi-infinite perfect-slip fracture in an isotropic dispersive solid: A canonical problem: J. of Geophysical Research, 108, no. B4,

Dewangan, P., and V. Grechka, 2003, Inversion of multicomponent, multiazimuth, walkaway VSP data for the stiffness tensor: Geophysics, 68, no. 3, 1022-1031,

Fomel, S., P.C. Sava, J. Rickett, and Claerbout, J., 2003, The Wilson-Burg method of spectral factorization with application to helical filtering: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, no. 5, 409-420,

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Godey, S., R. Snieder, A. Villasenor, and H.M. Benz, 2003, Surface wave tomography of North America and the Caribbean using global and regional broad-band networks: Phase velocity maps and limitations of ray theory: Geophys. J. Int., 152, no. 3, 620-632,

Gechka, V., and P. Dewangan, 2003, Generation and processing of pseudo-shear-wave data: Theory and case study, Geophysics, 68, no 6, 1807-1816,

Grechka, V., A. Bakulin, and I. Tsvankin, 2003, Seismic characterization of vertical fractures described as general linear-slip interfaces: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, no. 2, 117-130,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2003, Feasibility of seismic characterization of multiple fracture sets: Geophysics, 68, 1399-1407,

Haney, M. and R. Snieder, 2003, Breakdown of wave diffusion in 2D due to loops: Phys. Rev. Lett., 91,no. 9, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.093902.

Le Rousseau J.H., H. Calandra, andM. V. de Hoop, 2003, 3D depth imaging with generalized screens: A salt body case study: Geophysics, 68, no. 4, 1132-1139,

Pech, A., I. Tsvankin, and V. Grechka, 2003, Quartic moveout coefficient: 3D description and application to tilted TI media: Geophysics, 68, no. 5, 1600-1610,

Sarkar, D., A. Bakulin, and R. L. Kranz, 2003, Anisotropic inversion of seismic data for stressed media: Theory and a physical modeling study on Berea Sandstone, Geophysics, 68, no. 2, 690-704,

Sarkar, D., and I. Tsvankin, 2003, Analysis of image gathers in factorized VTI media: Geophysics, 68, no. 6, 2016-2025,

Sava, P.C., and S. Fomel, 2003, Angle-domain common-image gathers by wavefield continuation methods: Geophysics, 68, no. 3, 1065-1074,

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V. de Hoop, M., J. H. Le Rousseau, and B. L. Biondi, 2003, Symplectic structure of wave-equation imaging: a path-integral approach based on the double-square-root equation: Geophysics Journal International, 153, 52-74,

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Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2002, Seismic inversion for the parameters of two orthogonal fracture sets in a VTI background medium: Geophysics, 67, no. 1, 292-299,

Curtis, A. and R. Snieder, 2002, Probing the Earth’s interior with seismic tomography, in Lee, W.H.K., H. Kanamori, P.C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, eds., International handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology: Academic Press,  861-874.

Deschamps, F., J. Trampert, and R. Snieder, 2002, Anomalies of temperature and iron in the uppermost mantle inferred from gravity data and tomographic models: Phys. Earth Plan. Int., 129, no. 3-4, 245-264,

DeVault, B., T. L. Davis, I. Tsvankin, R. Verm, and F. Hilterman, 2002, Multicomponent AVO analysis, Vacuum field, New Mexico: Geophysics, 67, no. 3, 701-710,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2002, NMO-velocity surfaces and Dix-type formulas in anisotropic heterogeneous media: Geophysics, 67, no. 3, 939-951,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2002, PP+PS=SS: Geophysics, 67, no. 6, 1961-1971,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2002, Processing-induced anisotropy: Geophysics, 67, no. 6, 1920-1928,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2002, The joint nonhyperbolic moveout inversion of PP and PS data in VTI media: Geophysics, 67, 1929-1932,

Grechka, V., A. Pech, and I. Tsvankin, 2002, P-wave stacking-velocity tomography for VTI media: Geophysical Prospecting, 50, no. 2, 151-168, DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2478.2002.00307.x.

Grechka, V., A. Pech, and I. Tsvankin, 2002, Multicomponent stacking-velocity tomography for transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 67, no. 5, 1564-1574,

Grechka, V., I. Tsvankin, A. Bakulin, J. O. Hansen, and C. Signer, 2002, Joint inversion of PP and PS reflection data for VTI media: A North Sea case study: Geophysics, 67, no. 5, 1382-1395,

Grechka, V., I. Tsvankin, A. Bakulin, C. Signer, and J. O. Hansen, 2002, Anisotropic inversion and imaging of PP and PS reflection data in the North Sea: The Leading Edge, 21, No. 1, 90-97.

Hörmann, G., and V. de Hoop, 2002, Detection of wave front set perturbations via correlation: Foundation of wave-equation tomography: Applicable Analysis, 81, 1443-1465,

Rickett, J., and P.C. Sava, 2002, Offset and angle-domain common image-point gathers for shot-profile migration: Geophysics, 67, no. 3, 883-889,

Snieder, R., 2002, Time-reversal invariance and the relation between wave chaos and classical chaos, in M. Fink, W.A. Kuperman, J.P. Montagner, and A. Tourin, eds., Imaging of complex media with acoustic and seismic waves: Springer, 1-15,

Snieder, R., 2002, Coda wave interferometry and the equilibration of energy in elastic media: Phys. Rev. E, 66, no 4, 046615-1,8,

Snieder, R., 2002, General theory of elastic wave scattering, in Pike, R. and P. Sabatier, eds., Scattering and inverse scattering in pure and applied science: Academic Press, 528-542.

Snieder, R., 2002, Scattering of surface waves, in Pike, R. and P. Sabatier, eds., Scattering and inverse scattering in pure and applied science, Academic Press, 562-577.

Snieder, R., 2002, Book review of “Seismic Ray Theory” of V. Cerveny, Episodes, 25, no. 1, 52-53.

Snieder, R., A. Gret, H. Douma, and J. Scales, 2002, Coda wave interferometry for estimating nonlinear behavior in seismic velocity: Science, 295, no. 5563, 2253-2255, DOI: 10.1126/science.1070015DOI: 10.1190/geo2012-0431.1.

Spetzler, J., J. Trampert, and R. Snieder, 2002, The effect of scattering in surface wave tomography: Geophys. J. Int., 149, no. 3, 755-767,

Stolk, C.C, and M. V. de Hoop, 2002, Microlocal analysis of seismic inverse scattering in anisotropic elastic media: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 55, no. 3, 261-301,

Tsvankin, I., and V. Grechka, 2002, 3D description and inversion of reflection moveout of PS-waves in anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 50, no. 3, 301-316,

V. de Hoop, A.E. Malcolm, and J. H. Le Rousseau, 2002, Seismic wavefield ‘continuation’ in the single scattering approximation: A framework for dip and azimuth moveout: Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 10, no. 2, 199-237.

Van Wijk, K., J.A. Scales, W. Navidi, and L. Tenorio, 2002, Data and model uncertainty estimation for linear inversion: Geophys. J. Int., 149, 625-632,


Deschamps, F., R. Snieder, and J. Trampert, 2001, The relative density-to-shear velocity scaling in the uppermost mantle: Phys. Earth Plan. Int., 124, no. 3-4, 193-211,

Grechka, V., A. Pech, I. Tsvankin, and B. Han, 2001, Velocity analysis for tilted transversely isotropic media: A physical-modeling example: Geophysics, 66, no. 3, 904-910,

Le Stunff, Y., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2001, Depth-domain velocity analysis in VTI media using surface P-wave data: Is it feasible?: Geophysics, 66, 897-903,

Sava, P.C., and S. Fomel, 2001, 3-D traveltime computation using Huygens wavefront tracing: Geophysics, 66, no. 3, 883-889,

Scales, J. A., and van K. van Wijk, 2001, A tunable multiple-scattering system: Applied Physics Letters, 79, no. 14, 2994,

Snieder, R., 2001, A Guided Tour of Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences, Cambridge Univ. Press.

Spetzler, J. and R. Snieder, 2001 The formation of caustics in two and three dimensional media: Geophys. J. Int., 144, no. 1, 175-182,

Spetzler, J. and R. Snieder, 2001, The effect of small-scale heterogeneity on the arrival time of waves: Geophys. J. Int., 145, no. 3, 786-796,

Spetzler, J., J. Trampert and R. Snieder, 2001, Are we exceeding the limits of the great circle approximation in global surface wave tomography?: Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, no. 12, 2341-2344,

Stolk, C., and de Hoop, M., 2001, Seismic inverse scattering in the “wave-equation” approach: arXiv,

Tsvankin, I., 2001, Seismic signatures and analysis of reflection data in anisotropic media: Elsevier Science.


Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data – Part I: HTI model due to a single fracture set: Geophysics, 65, no. 6, 1788-1802,

Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data – Part II: Fractured models with orthorhombic symmetry: Geophysics, 65, no. 6, 1803-1817,

Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data – Part III: Fractured models with monoclinic symmetry: Geophysics, 65, no. 6, 1818-1830,

Bannister, S., R.K. Snieder, and M.L. Passier, 2000, Shear-wave velocities under the Transantarctic Mountains and Terror Rift from surface wave inversion: Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, no. 2, 281-285,

Grechka, V., P. Contreras, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Inversion of normal moveout for monoclinic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 48, no. 3, 577-602,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Inversion of azimuthally dependent NMO velocity in transversely isotropic media with a tilted axis of symmetry: Geophysics, 65, no. 1, 232-246,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Velocity analysis of converted waves based on the hyperbolic moveout equation: The RTM method: in L. Ikelle, L., and A. Gangi, eds., Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, converted waves and case studies: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy (9IWSA), Soc. Expl. Geophys.

Han, B., T. Galikeev, V. Grechka, J. Le Rousseau, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, A synthetic example of anisotropic P-wave processing for a model from the Gulf of Mexico: in L. Ikelle, and A. Gangi, eds., Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, converted waves and case studies: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy (9IWSA), Soc. Expl. Geophys.

Muyzert, E., and R. Snieder, 2000, An alternative parameterization for surface waves in a transverse isotropic medium: Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 118, no 1-2, 125-133,

Neves, F.A., and M.V de Hoop, 2000, Some remarks on nonlinear amplitude versus scattering angle-azimuth inversion in anisotropic media, Geophysics, 65, no. 1, 158-166,

Roehm, A.H.E., R. Snieder, S. Goes, and J. Trampert, 2000, Thermal structure of continental upper mantle inferred from S-wave velocity and surface heat flow: Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 181, no. 3, 396-407,

Rommel, B. E., and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Analytic description of P-wave ray direction and polarization in orthorhombic media: in L. Ikelle, and A. Gangi, eds., Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, converted waves and case studies: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy (9IWSA), Soc. Expl. Geophys,

Scales, J.A. and R. Snieder, 2000, The anatomy of inverse problems: Geophysics, 65, no. 6, 1708-1710,

Tsvankin, I., and V. Grechka, 2000, Dip moveout of converted waves and parameter estimation in transversely isotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 48, no. 2, 257-292,

V. de Hoop, M., J. H. Le Rousseau, and R. Wu, 2000, Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering of acoustic waves: Wave Motion, 31, 43-70.



Contreras, P., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 1999, Moveout inversion of P-wave data for horizontal transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 64, 1219-1229,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 1999, 3-D moveout inversion in azimuthally anisotropic media with lateral velocity variation: Theory and a case study: Geophysics, 64, 1202-1218,

Grechka, V., I. Tsvankin, and J. K. Cohen, 1999, Generalized Dix equation and analytic treatment of normal-moveout velocity for anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 47, 117-148,

Grechka, V., S. Theophanis, and I. Tsvankin, 1999, Joint inversion of P- and PS-waves in orthorhombic media: Theory and a physical-modeling study: Geophysics, 64, 146-161,

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 1999, 3-D moveout velocity analysis and parameter estimation for orthorhombic media: Geophysics, 64, 820-837,

Jaramillo, H.H., and N. Bleistein, 1999, The link of Kirchhoff migration and demigration to Kirchhoff and Born modeling: Geophysics, 64, no. 8, 1793-1805,

Muyzert, E., H. Paulssen, and R. Snieder, 1999, A seismic cross section through the East European continent: Geoph. J Int., 136, 695-704,

Paulssen, H., B.G. Bukchin, A.P. Emelianov, M. Lazarenko, E. Muyzert, R. Snieder, and T.B. Yanovskaya, 1999, The NARS-DEEP project: Tectonophysics, 313, 1-8,

Roehm, A., J. Trampert, H. Paulssen, and R. Snieder, 1999, Bias in reported seismic arrival times deduced from the ISC catalogue: Geophys. J. Int., 137, 163-174,

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1999, Computers and creativity: Geophysics, 64, 1347-1348,

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1999, What is a wave?: Nature, 401, 739-740.

Snieder, R., 1999, Imaging and averaging in complex media, in J.P. Fougue, ed., Diffuse waves in complex media: Springer, 405-454.

Snieder, R., and J. Trampert, 1999, Inverse problems in geophysics, in A. Wirgin, ed, Wavefield inversion: Springer, 119-190.

Thomsen, L., I. Tsvankin, and M. C. Mueller, 1999, Coarse-layer stripping of vertically variable azimuthal anisotropy from shear-wave data: Geophysics, 64, 1126-1138,

Tsvankin, I., and H. B. Lynn, 1999, Special section on azimuthal dependence of P-wave signatures – Introduction: Geophysics, 64, 1139-1142,


Al-Dajani, A., and I. Tsvankin, 1998, Nonhyperbolic reflection moveout for horizontal transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 63, 1738-1753.

Chevrot, S., J.P. Montagner, and R. Snieder, 1998, The spectrum of tomographic earth models: Geophys. J. Int., 33, 783-788.

Curtis, A., J. Trampert, R. Snieder, and B. Dost, 1998, Eurasian fundamental mode surface wave phase velocities and their relationship with tectonic structures: J. Geophys. Res., 103, 26919-26947.

Goudswaard, J.C.M., A.P.E. ten Kroode, R.K. Snieder, and A.R. Verdel, 1998, Detection of lateral velocity contrasts by crosswell traveltime tomography: Geophysics, 63, 523-533.

Gouveia, W.P., and J.A. Scales, 1998, Bayesian seismic waveform inversion: Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis: Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, no. B2, 2759-2779. PDF

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 1998, Feasibility of nonhyperbolic moveout inversion in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 63, 957-969.

Grechka, V., and I. Tsvankin, 1998, 3-D description of normal moveout in anisotropic inhomogeneous media: Geophysics, 63, 1079-1092.

Pulliam, J., and R. Snieder, 1998, Ray perturbation theory, dynamic ray tracing and the determination of Fresnel zones: Geophys. J. Int., 135, 463-469.

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1998, What is noise?: Geophysics, 63, 1122-1124.

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1998, Modes of survival: Geophysics, 63, 1845-1846.

Snieder, R., 1998, The evolution of phase fronts and the method of strained coordinates: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 103, 3180-3183.

Snieder, R., 1998, The role of nonlinearity in inverse problems: Inverse Problems, 14, 387-404.

Snieder, R., and C. Chapman, 1998, The reciprocity properties of geometrical spreading: Geophys. J. Int., 132, 89-95.

Snieder, R., and J.A. Scales, 1998, Time reversed imaging as a diagnostic of wave and particle chaos: Phys. Rev. E, 58, 5668-5675.

Snieder, R., M. Sambridge, and F. Sanso, 1998, Inverse problems in geophysics: Closing the gap between theory and practice: Inverse problems, 14, 369-370.

Tsvankin, I., 1998, Influence of seismic anisotropy on velocity analysis and depth imaging: In Model-Based Depth Imaging by S. Fagin, SEG.


Alkhalifah, T., 1997, Kinematics of 3-D DMO operators in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 62, no. 4, 1214-1219,

Alkhalifah, T., 1997, Seismic data processing in vertically inhomogeneous TI media: Geophysics, 62, no. 2, 662-675,

Anderson, J. E., and I. Tsvankin, 1997, Dip-moveout processing by Fourier transform in anisotropic media: Geophysics, 62, 1260-1269.

Cohen, J.K., 1997, Analytic study of the effective parameters for determination of the NMO velocity function in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 62, no. 6, 1855-1866,

Curtis, A., and R. Snieder, 1997, Reconditioning inverse problems using the genetic algorithm and revised parameterisation: Geophysics, 62, 1524-1532.

Dorren, H.J.S., and R.K. Snieder, 1997, Error-propagation in nonlinear delay-time tomography: Geophys. J. Int., 128, 632-638.

Liu, Z., 1997, An analytical approach to migration velocity analysis: Geophysics, 62, no. 4, 1238-1249,

Passier, T.M., R.D. van der Hilst, and R.K. Snieder, 1997, Surface wave waveform inversions for local shear-wave velocities under eastern Australia: Geophys. Res. Lett, 24, 1291-1294.

Rueger, A., and I. Tsvankin, 1997, Using AVO for fracture detection: Analytic basis and practical solutions: The Leading Edge, 16, no. 10, 1429-1434.

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1997, To Bayes or not to Bayes?: Geophysics, 62, 1045-1046.

Scales, J., and R. Snieder, 1997, Humility and nonlinearity: Geophysics, 62, 1355-1358.

Snieder, R., 1997, Book review of “Inverse problems in geophysical applications”: Inverse Problems, 13, 1664-1665.

Snieder, R., and T. van Eck, 1997, Earthquake prediction: a political problem?: Geologische Rundschau, 86, 446-463.

Tsvankin, I., 1997, Anisotropic parameters and P-wave velocity for orthorhombic media: Geophysics, 62, 1292-1309.

Tsvankin, I., 1997, Moveout analysis in transversely isotropic media with a tilted symmetry axis: Geophysical Prospecting, 45, 479-512.

Tsvankin, I., 1997, Reflection moveout and parameter estimation for horizontal transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 62, 614-629.


Alkhalifah, T., 1996, Transformation to zero offset in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 61, no. 4, 947-963,

Alkhalifah, T., I. Tsvankin, K. Larner, and J. Toldi, 1996, Velocity analysis and imaging in transversely isotropic media: Methodology and a case study: The Leading Edge, 15, no. 5, 371-378.

Alsina, D. and R. Snieder, 1996, Constraints on the velocity structure beneath the Tornquist-Teisseyre zone from beamforming analysis: Geophys. J. Int., 126, 205-218.

Alsina, D., R.L. Woodward, and R.K. Snieder, 1996, Shear-Wave Velocity Structure in North America from Large-Scale Waveform Inversions of Surface Waves: J. Geophys. Res., 101, 15969-15986.

Anderson, J. E., T. Alkhalifah, and I. Tsvankin, 1996, Fowler DMO and time migration for transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 61, 835-844,

de Hoop, M.V., 1996, Generalization of the Bremmer coupling series: Journal of Math. Phys., 37, no. 7,

de Hoop, M.V., and C. Spencer, 1996, Quasi-Monte Carlo integration over S2 x S2 for migration x inversion: Inverse Problems,12.

Deng, H.L., W. Gouveia, and J. Scales, 1996, An object-oriented toolbox for studying optimization problems, in B.H. Jacobsen, K. Mosegaard, P. Sibani, eds., Inverse Methods. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 63. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 

Deng, H. L., W. Gouveia, and J. Scales, 1996, The CWP object-oriented optimization: The Leading Edge, 15, no. 5, 365-369,

Dorren, H.J.S., and R.K. Snieder, 1996, Stability estimates for inverse problems, in Parameter identification and inverse problems in hydrology, geology and ecology, edited by J. Gottlieb and P. DuChateau, pp. 213-224, Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht.

Douma, H., R. Snieder, and A. Lomax, 1996, Ensemble inference in terms of Empirical Orthogonal Functions: Geophys. J. Int., 127, 363-378.

Goudswaard, J., A.P.E. ten Kroode, R. Snieder, and A.R. Verdel, 1996, Detection of lateral velocity contrasts by crosswell traveltime tomography, SIEP Publication 96-5199.

Haines, A.J. and M.V. de Hoop, 1996, An invariant imbedding analysis of general wave scattering problems: Journal of Math. Phys., 37, no. 8, 3854,

Hilst, R. v.d., and R. Snieder, 1996, Observations and numerical modelling of high-frequency precursors to P-wave arrivals at station SNZO New Zealand: J. Geophys. Res., 101, 8473-8488.

Lomax, A., and R. Snieder, 1996, Estimation of finite-frequency waveforms through wavelength-dependent averaging of velocity: Geophys. J. Int., 126, 369-381.

Marquering, H., and R. Snieder, 1996, Surface-wave velocity structure beneath Europe, the northeastern Atlantic and western Asia from waveform inversion including surface-wave mode coupling: Geophys. J. Int., 127, 283-304.

Marquering, H., R. Snieder, and G. Nolet, 1996, Waveform inversions and the significance of surface wave mode coupling: Geophys. J. Int., 124, 258-278.

Mirzaei, M., J.W. Bredewout, and R.K. Snieder, 1996, Gravity data inversion using the subspace method, in Parameter identification and inverse problems in hydrology, geology and ecology, edited by J. Gottlieb and P. DuChateau, pp. 187-198, Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht.

Muyzert, E.J., and R.K. Snieder, 1996, The influence of errors in the source parameters on phase velocity measurements of surface waves: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 86, 1863-1872.

Passier, M.L., and R.K. Snieder,1996, Correlation between shear wave upper mantle structure and tectonic surface expressions: Application to central and southern Germany, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 25293-25304.

Pulliam, J., and R. Snieder, 1996, Fast, efficient calculation of rays and travel times with ray perturbation theory, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99, 383-391.

Rüger, A., and T. Alkhalifah, 1996, Efficient two-dimensional anisotropic ray tracing, in E. Fajer, R.M. Holt, J.S. Rathore, eds., Seismic anisotropy: SEG,

Scales, J.A., 1996, Uncertainties in seismic inverse calculations. In: Jacobsen, B.H., Mosegaard, K., Sibani, P. (eds) Inverse Methods. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 63. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Snieder, R., 1996, Book review of “Geoelectromagnetic Waves”, Inverse Problems, 12, 811-812.

Snieder, R., 1996, Surface wave inversions on a regional scale, in Seismic modelling of the Earth’s structure, edited by A. Morelli, E. Boschi and Ekstrom G., pp. 149-181, Editrice Compositori, Bologna.

Snieder, R., and A. Lomax, 1996, Wavefield smoothing and the effect of rough velocity perturbations on arrival times and amplitudes: Geophys. J. Int., 125, 796-812.

Trampert, J., and R. Snieder, 1996, Model estimations based on truncated expansions: Possible artifacts in seismic tomography: Science, 271, 1257-1260.

Tsvankin, I., 1996, P-wave signatures and notation for transversely isotropic media: An overview: Geophysics, 61, 467-483.


Alkhalifah, T., and I. Tsvankin, 1995, Velocity analysis for transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 60, 1550-1566.

Alsina, D., and R. Snieder, 1995, Small-scale sublithospheric continental mantle deformation: constraints from SKS splitting observations: Geophys. J. Int., 123, pp. 431-448.

Dorren, H.J.S., and R.K. Snieder, 1995, The stability of finite dimensional inverse problems: Inverse Problems, 11, 889-911.

Groenenboom, J., and R. Snieder, 1995, Attenuation, dispersion and anisotropy by multiple scattering of transmitted waves through distributions of scatterers: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98, 3482-3492.

Lomax, A., and R. Snieder, 1995, Identifying sets of acceptable solutions to non-linear geophysical inverse problems which have complicated misfit functions: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2, 222-227.

Lomax, A., and R. Snieder, 1995, The contrast in upper-mantle shear-wave velocity between the East European Platform and tectonic Europe obtained with genetic algorithm inversion of Rayleigh-wave group dispersion: Geophys. J. Int., 123, 169-182.

Marquering, H., and R. Snieder, 1995, Surface-wave mode coupling for efficient forward modelling and inversion of body-wave phases: Geophys. J. Int., 120, 186-208.

Passier, M.L., and R.K. Snieder, 1995, On the presence of intermediate-scale heterogeneity in the upper mantle: Geophys. J. Int., 123, 817 – 837.

Passier, M.L., and R.K. Snieder, 1995, Using differential waveform data to retrieve local S-velocity structure or path-averaged S-velocity gradients: J. Geophys. Res., 100, 24061 – 24078.

Peltier, W.R., D. Rothman, R. Snieder, and A. Sornette, 1995, 20th International conference on Mathematical Geophysics “Complex space-time geophysical structures”, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2, 107-108.

Snieder, R., and D.F. Aldridge, 1995, Perturbation theory for travel times: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98, 1565-1569.

Tsvankin, I., 1995, Body-wave radiation patterns and AVO in transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 60, 1409-1425.

Tsvankin, I., 1995, Normal moveout from dipping reflectors in anisotropic media: Geophysics, 60, 268-284.

Tsvankin, I., 1995, Velocity analysis and time-to-depth conversion in transversely isotropic media: in Seismic Depth Estimation (Proceedings of the GST-SEG Spring Symposium, Tulsa), 100-116.

Tsvankin, I., and L. Thomsen, 1995, Inversion of reflection traveltimes for transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 60, 1095-1107.


Avendonk, H. van, and R. Snieder, 1994, A new mechanism for shape induced seismic anisotropy: Wave Motion, 20, 89-98.

Dorren, H.J.S., E.J. Muyzert, and R.K. Snieder, 1994, The stability of one-dimensional inverse scattering: Inverse Problems, 10, 865-880.

Dorren, H.J.S., and R.K. Snieder, 1994, One-dimensional inverse scattering using data contaminated with errors, in lectures Notes in Physics, Quantum Inversion Theory and Applications, edited by H.V. von Geramb, pp. 405-411, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Heijst, H.J. van, R. Snieder, and R. Nowack, 1994, Resolving a low-velocity layer with surface wave data: Geophys. J. Int., 118, 333-343.

Lognonne, P., D. Giardini, R. Snieder, T. Spohn, J. Woodhouse, and E. Wielandt, 1994, Very Broad Band Seismometers on the Surface Landers, in Mars Surveyor Science Objectives and Measurements Requirements Workshop, Eds. D.J. McCleese at al., JPL Tech. Rpt D12017, California Institut of Technology, Pasadena CA,105-106.

Lomax, A., and R. Snieder, 1994, Finding sets of acceptable solutions with a genetic algorithm with application to surface wave group dispersion in Europe: Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 2617-2620.

Snieder, R., Seismologie, 1994, de aarde doorgelicht, Ned. Tijdschr. Nat., 60, 5-10.

Snieder, R., 1994, Book review of “Geophysical Inverse Theory”: Inverse Problems, 10, 1436-1437.

Snieder, R., 1994, De Aarde als Zwarte Doos, Inaugural Lecture, Universiteit Utrecht, 14pp.

Snieder, R., and M. Sambridge, 1994, Reply to the comments of Farra Madariaga and Virieux: J. Geophys. Res., 99, 21969-21970.

Tsvankin, I., and L. Thomsen, 1994, Nonhyperbolic reflection moveout in anisotropic media: Geophysics, 59, 1290-1304.

VanDecar, J.C., and R. Snieder, 1994, Obtaining smooth solutions to large linear inverse problems: Geophysics, 59, 818-829.


Alsina, D., R. Snieder, and V. Maupin, 1993, A test of the great circle approximation in the analysis of surface waves: Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 915-918.

Bostock, M.G., J.C. VanDecar, and R. Snieder, 1993, Modelling Teleseismic P-Wave Propagation in the Upper Mantle Using a Parabolic Approximation: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 83, 756-779.

Neele, F., J.C. VanDecar, and R. Snieder, 1993, A formalism for including amplitude data in tomographic inversions: Geophys. J. int., 115, 482-496.

Neele, F., J.C. VanDecar, and R. Snieder, 1993, The use of P-wave amplitude data in joint inversions with travel times for upper-mantle velocity structure: J. Geophys. Res., 98, 12,033-12,054.

Roth, M., G. Muller, and R. Snieder, 1993, Velocity shift in random media: Geophys. J. Int., 115, 552-563.

Sambridge, M., and R. Snieder, 1993, Applicability of ray perturbation theory to mantle tomography: Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 73-76.

Snieder, R., 1993, Global inversions using normal modes and long-period surface waves, in Seismic tomography, edited by H.M. Iyer and K. Hirahara, pp. 23-63, Prentice-Hall, London.

Snieder, R., and H. Paulssen, 1993, Future deployment of the NARS array, in Proceedings of the Europrobe Symposium Jablonna 1991, edited by D.G. Gee and M. Beckholmen, pp. 129-132, Warsawa.

Snieder, R., and M. Sambridge, 1993, The ambiguity in ray perturbation theory: J. Geophys. Res., 98, 22021-22034.

Snieder, R., and C. Spencer, 1993, A unified approach to ray bending, ray perturbation and paraxial ray theories: Geophys. J. Int., 115, 456-470.

Snieder, R., V. Cermak, and G. Poupinet, 1993, The evolution from a continent, from kinematics to dynamics: Phys. Earth Plan. Inter., 79,1-2.


Moser, T.J., G. Nolet, and R. Snieder, 1992, Ray bending revisited: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 82, 259-288.

Neele, F., and R. Snieder, 1992, Topography of the 400 km discontinuity from observations of long-period P400P phases: Geophys. J. Int., 109, 670-682.

Snieder, R., and M. Sambridge, 1992, Ray perturbation theory for travel times and raypaths in 3-D heterogeneous media: Geophys. J. Int., 109, 294-322.


Gubbins, D., and R. Snieder, 1991, Dispersion of P waves in Subducted Lithosphere: Evidence for an Eclogite layer: J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6321-6333.

Neele, F., and R. Snieder, 1991, are long-period body wave coda caused by lateral heterogeneity?: Geoph. J. Int., 107, 131-153.

Snieder, R., 1991, An extension of Backus-Gilbert theory to nonlinear inverse problems: Inverse Problems, 7, 409-433.

Snieder, R.K., J. Beckers, and F. Neele, 1991, The effect of small-scale structure on normal mode frequencies and global inversions: J. Geophys. Res., 96, 501-515.


Nolet, G, and R. Snieder, 1990, Solving large linear inverse problems by projection: Geophys. J. Int., 103, 565-568.

Paulssen, H., A.L. Levshin, A.V. Lander, and R. Snieder, 1990, Time and frequency dependent polarization analysis: anomalous surface wave observations in Iberia.: Geophys. J. Int., 103, 483-496.

Snieder, R., 1990, A perturbative analysis of nonlinear inversion: Geophys. J. Int., 101, 545-556.

Snieder, R., 1990, The role of the Born-approximation in nonlinear inversion: Inverse Problems, 6, 247-266.

Tsvankin, I., and E. M. Chesnokov, 1990, Synthesis of body wave seismograms from point sources in anisotropic media: Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(B7), 11317-11331.

Tsvankin, I., and E. M. Chesnokov, 1990, Synthetic waveforms and polarizations at the free surface of an anisotropic halfspace: Geophysical Journal International, 101, 497-505.



Brandenburg, A., and R. Snieder, 1989, The attenuation of surface waves due to scattering: Geophysical Journal, 8, no. 1, 183-194,

Jannane, H., W. Beydoen, E. Crase, D. Cao, Z. Koren, E. Landa, M. Menses, A. Pica, M. Noble, G. Roeth, S. Singh, R. Snieder, A. Tarantola, D. Trezeguet, and M. Xie, 1989, Wavelengths of Earth structures that can be resolved from seismic reflection data: Geophysics, 54, no. 7, 906-910,

Kiselev, A., and I. Tsvankin, 1989, A method of comparison of exact and asymptotic wave field computations: Geophysical Journal International: 96, no. 2, 253-258,

MacBeth, C.D., and R. Snieder, 1989, The scattering of high frequency surface waves in Scotland: J. Geophys. Res., 94, 1795-1802.

Neele, F., P. Lognonne, B. Romanowicz, and R. Snieder, 1989, Effect of sharp lateral heterogeneity on the Earth’s normal modes: Geophys. Res. Lett., 16, no. 5, 397-400,

Snieder, R., and A. Tarantola, 1989, Imaging of quantum mechanical potentials: Phys. Rev. A, 39, 3303-3309,1989.

Snieder, R., M.Y. Xie, A. Pica, and A. Tarantola, 1989, Retrieving both the impedance contrast and the reference velocity with a single waveform criterion; A global strategy for the inversion of seismic reflection data: Geophysics, 54, 991-1000.

Tromp, J., and R. Snieder, 1989, The reflection and transmission of plane P- and S-waves by a continuously stratified band: A new approach using invariant embedding: Geophys. J., 96, 447-456.


Romanowicz, B., and R. Snieder, 1988, A new formalism for the effect of lateral heterogeneity on normal modes and surface waves – II: General anisotropic perturbations: Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc., 93, 91-100.

Snieder, R., 1988, The optical theorem for surface waves and the relation with surface wave attenuation: Geophys. J., 95, no. 2, 293-302,

Snieder, R., 1988, Large-scale waveform inversions of surface waves for lateral heterogeneity, 1, Theory and numerical examples: J. Geophys. Res., 93, 12055-12065.

Snieder, R., 1988, Large-scale waveform inversions of surface waves for lateral heterogeneity, 2, Application to surface waves in Europe and the Mediterranean: J. Geophys. Res., 93, 12067-12080.

Snieder, R., 1988, The S-velocity under Europe and the Mediterranean, in Proceedings of the Fourth EGT Workshop, edited by Nolet, G. and B. Dost, pp. 133-138, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg.

Snieder, R., and S.B. Fels, 1988, The flywheel effect in the middle atmosphere: J. Atmos. Science, 45, 3996-4004.

Snieder, R., and B. Romanowicz, 1988, A new formalism for the effect of lateral heterogeneity on normal modes and surface waves -I: Isotropic perturbations, perturbations of interfaces and gravitational perturbations: Geophys. J. R. astron. Soc., 92, 207-222


Gabriels, P., R. Snieder, and G. Nolet, 1987, In situ measurements of shear-wave velocity in sediments using higher mode Rayleigh waves: Geophys. Prosp., 35, no. 2, 187-196,

Snieder, R., 1987, Surface wave scattering theory, with applications to forward and inverse problems in seismology, PhD Thesis: Geologica Ultratraiectina, 50.

Snieder, R., 1987, On the connection between ray theory and scattering theory for surface waves, in N.J. Vlaar, G. Nolet, M.J.R. Wortel, and S.A.P.L. Cloetingh, eds., Mathematical geophysics, A survey of recent developments in seismology and geodynamics: Reidel, 77-83.

Snieder, R., 1987, Surface wave holography, in G. Nolet, ed., Seismic tomography, with applications in global seismology and exploration geophysics,  Reidel, 323-337.

Snieder, R., and G. Nolet, 1987, Linearized scattering of surface waves on a spherical Earth: J. Geophys., 61, 55-63.

Tsvankin, I., and E. M. Chesnokov, 1987, Plane-wave propagation in nonlinear elastic anisotropic media: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 91, 413-427.


Snieder, R., 1986, 3D Linearized scattering of surface waves and a formalism for surface wave holography: Geophys. J. Intl., 84, no. 3, 581-605,

Snieder, R., 1986, Phase speed perturbations and three dimensional scattering effects of surface waves due to topography: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 76, 1385-1392.

Snieder, R., 1986, The influence of topography on the propagation and scattering of surface waves: Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 44, no. 3, 226-241,


Snieder, R., 1985, The origin of the 100,000 year cycle in a simple ice age model: J. Geophys. Res., 90, 5661-5664.