CWP-1005 “Wavelet decomposition for passive data compression and processing”, Issah/Martin
CWP-1004 “Physics-informed neural networks for acoustic wave propagation”, Sethi et al.
CWP-1002 “Reverse-time migration of mobile marine vibrator data”, Almuteri et al.
CWP-1001 “Finite-difference modeling of marine vibrator services”, Almuteri et al.
CWP-1000 “Measuring seasonal velocity variations on an urban DAS array”, Yang/Shragge
CWP-996 “Free-surface multiple attenuation using convolutional neural networks”, Kiraz/Snieder
CWP-995 “Normalized energy-norm imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration”, Oren/Shragge
CWP-994 “Tutorial: When randomness helps in undersampling”, Snieder/Wakin
CWP-993 “How time-discretization can break the asymptotics of inverse scattering”, Snieder
CWP-991 “Improving sound wave detection with distributed acoustic sensing”, Chambers et al.
- CWP-986 “Physics-constrained neural operator training for solving the acoustic wave equation”, Konuk/Shragge”
- CWP-985 “Tensorial elastodynamics for coupled acoustic/elastic anisotropic media: Incorporating bathymetry”, Sethi et al.
- CWP-984 “Seismic velocity model building using recurrent neural networks: A frequency-stepping approach”, Alzahrani/Shragge
- CWP-983 “4D DAS fiber-coupling effects in freezing near-surface ground conditions”, Yang et al.
- CWP-982 “Efficient seismic deghosting using convolutional neural networks”, Almuteri/Sava
- CWP-981 “Deep learning for probabilistic salt segmentation using Bayesian inference machines”, Konuk/Shragge
- CWP-980 “Viscoelastic full-waveform inversion with spatial probabilistic petrophysical constraints”, Aragao/Sava
- CWP-979 “Microseismic image-domain elastic wavefield tomography”, Oren/Shragge
- CWP-978 “Low frequency recovery for ambient seismic data from ultra-dense linear arrays”, Pawelec/Sava
- CWP-977 “Green’s function retrieval using Marchenko iteration without up/down decomposition: Can the Marchenko algorithm retrieve refracted waves?”, Kiraz et al.
- CWP-976 “Solving the 2-D scalar radiative transfer equation”, Caballero/Snieder
- CWP-975 “Focusing waves in an unknown medium without wave field decomposition”, Kiraz et al.
- CWP-974 Report “Green’s function representations for Marchenko imaging without up/down decomposition”, Wapenaar et al.
- CWP-973 Report “Facies prediction with Bayesian inference: Application of supervised and semisupervised deep learning”, Singh et al.
- CWP-972 Report “Source-independent time-lapse full-waveform inversion for VTI media”, Liu and Tsvankin
- CWP-971 Report “Facies-based FWI for anisotropic media: A North Sea case study”, Singh et al.
- CWP-962 “Coupling of surface waves due to Earth’s rotation Part 2: Numerical examples”, Sens-Schonfelder et al.
- CWP-961 “Coupling of surface waves due to Earth’s rotation Part 1: Theory”, Snieder/Sens-Schonfelder
- CWP-960 “Toward real-time microseismic event detection using machine learning”, Zhu/Shragge
- CWP-959 “Mimetic finite-difference coupled-domain solver for anisotropic media”, Sethi et al.
- CWP-958 “Elastic full-waveform inversion with spatial probabilistic petrophysical constraints”, Aragao/Sava
- CWP-957 “Explicit control of numerical dispersion and instability in wavefield modeling and inversion”, Aragao/Sava
- CWP-956 “Elastic anisotropic full waveform inversion using probabilistic petrophysical constraints”, Aragao/Sava
- CWP-955 “Super-resolution via weighted time-reversal”, Jaimes-Caballero/Snieder
- CWP-954 “Image-domain elastic wavefield tomography for passive data”, Oren/Shragge
- CWP-953 “Cross-penalization surface-wave inversion using the high resolution linear radon transform”, Yang/Shragge
- CWP-952 “Elastic FWI for orthorhombic media: Application of geologic constraints via machine learning”, Singh et al.
- CWP-951 “Sensitivity analysis of elastic full-waveform inversion for orthorhombic media”, Singh/Tsvankin
- CWP-950 “Full-waveform inversion with borehole constraints for elastic VTI media”, Singh et al.
- CWP-949 “Efficient land seismic data reconstruction from sparse movements”, Pawelec et al.
- CWP-944 “Estimation of microseismic source parameters for 3D orthorhombic media by waveform inversion”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
- CWP-942 “Inter-source interferometry of body waves: A synthetic example”, Saengduean/Snieder
- CWP-941 “A model for nonlinear elasticity in rocks based on friction of internal interfaces and contact aging”, Sens-Schonfelder/Snieder
- CWP-940 “Data interpolation for 3D Marchenko Green’s function retrieval”, Jia et al.
- CWP-939 “Extracting the response of the Bay Bridge, California, from earthquake-induced shaking”, Jian/Snieder
- CWP-938 “Elastic waveform inversion of downhole microseismic data for 3D VTI models*”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
- CWP-936 “Finite-difference solution of linearized eikonal equation for transversely isotropic media”, Arora/Tsvankin
- CWP-935 “Low-frequency ambient distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data: Useful for subsurface investigations?”, Yang/Shragge
- CWP-934 “Bayesian approach to facies-constrained waveform inversion for VTI media”, Singh/Tsvankin
- CWP-933 “Inversion of vector-acoustic data in a local domain”, Kohnke/Sava
- CWP-932 “Mimetic finite-difference coupled-domain solver for anisotropic media”, Sethi et al.
- CWP-931 “A mimetic imaging technique for the acoustic inverse scattering problem”, Prunty/Snieder
- CWP-930 “Wavefield reconstruction using wavelet transform”, Pawelec et al.
- CWP-929 “3D elastic time-reverse imaging of surface-recorded microseismic data: VTI media effects”, Oren/Shragge
- CWP-928 “3D tensorial elastodynamics for anisotropic media”, Konuk/Shragge
- CWP-927 “Elastic wavefield tomography with probabilistic petrophysical clustering”, Aragao/Sava
CWP-924 “Elastic wavefield tomography with probabilistic petrophysical model constraints”, Aragao/Sava
CWP-921 “Towards airborne seismic data acquisition”, Rapstine/Sava
CWP-920 “Elastic least-squares Gaussian beam migration”, Yue
CWP-919 “Localized time-lapse full-waveform inversion”, Kohnke/Sava
CWP-918 “Image-guided wavefield tomography for VTI media”, Li et al.
CWP-917 “Extension of image-domain tomography to TTI media”, Li/ Tsvankin
CWP-916 “3D tensorial elastodynamics for isotropic media on vertically deformed meshes: 1. theory”, Shragge
CWP-915 “Locating velocity changes in elastic media with coda wave interferometry”, Snieder et al.
CWP-914 “A total-energy linear sampling method”, Prunty/Snieder
CWP-913 “Nonlinear elasticity in resonance experiments”, Li et al.
CWP-912 “A physics-based model of nonlinear elasticity of rocks for reversible damage, slow dynamics, hysteresis and dynamic acoustoelastic testing (DAET)”, Li et al.
CWP-911 “Elastic full-waveform inversion with facies information”, Singh et al.
CWP-910 “Elastic reflection waveform inversion with petrophysical model constraints”, Rocha/Sava
CWP-909 “Elastic wavefield tomography with probabilistic petrophysical model constraints”, Aragao/Sava
CWP-908 “Modeling time-varying sea surface effects on seismic data using mimetic finite difference”, Konuk/Shragge
CWP-907 “Marchenko redatuming with 3D data acquisition”, Jia/Snieder
CWP-906 “3D waveform inversion of microseismic data for VTI media”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-905 “Seismic source mechanism imaging”, Lim/Sava
CWP-904 “Optimal elastic source wavefield reconstruction”, Lim/Sava
CWP-903 “Multicomponent imaging with distributed acoustic sensing”, Lim/Sava
CWP-902 “Attenuation compensation for time-reversal imaging in VTI media”, Bai et al.
CWP-901 “Analysis of tip and edge diffractions in dip-angle gathers for orthorhombic media”, Arora/Tsvankin
CWP-899 “3D passive wavefield imaging using the energy norm”, Rocha et al.
CWP-898 “Stacking-velocity tomography for tilted orthorhombic media”, Liu/Tsvankin
CWP-897 “Model-based redatuming of seismic data: an inverse filter approach”, Planes, et al
CWP-895 “Elastic least-squares reverse-time migration using the energy norm”, Rocha/Sava
CWP-894 “3D acoustic least-squares reverse-time migration using the energy norm”, Rocha et al.
CWP-893 “Airborne seismic monitoring using stereo vision”, Rapstine/Sava
CWP-892 “Fundamental concepts on statistical tilt correlations”, Prunty/Snieder
CWP-891 “High-resolution multicomponent distributed acoustic sensing”, Lim Chen Ning/Sava
CWP-890 “Inversion gradients for acoustic VTI wavefield tomography”, Li et al.
CWP-889 “Full-waveform inversion for reservoir characterization: A synthetic study”, Kamath et al.
CWP-888 “Subsalt Marchenko imaging: A Gulf of Mexico example”, Jia et al.
CWP-887 “Waveform inversion for microseismic velocity analysis and event location in VTI media”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-886 “Sparse Q-compensation in the time domain with the hyperbolic penalty function”, Guitton/Claerbout
CWP-885 “Preconditioned 3D Least-Squares RTM with Non-Stationary Matching Filters”, Guitton
CWP-884 “Statistical identification of faults in 3D seismic volumes using a machine learning approach”, Guitton et al.
CWP-883 “Waveform inversion of synthetic reflection data for VTI attenuation parameters”, Bai et al.
CWP-882 “Analysis of diffractions in dip-angle gathers for transversely isotropic media”, Arora/Tsvankin
CWP-877 “Contactless seismic acquisition using stereo vision”, Rapstine/Sava
CWP-876 “Multicomponent Distributed Acoustic Sensing”, Lim Chen Ning/Sava
CWP-875 “Seismic shear waves as Foucault pendulum”, Snieder et al.
CWP-874 “The time dependence of rock healing as a universal relaxation process”, Snieder et al.
CWP-873 “Sparse log-domain deconvolution with offset: a Gulf of Mexico example”, Guitton
CWP-872 “Comparison of sparsity-constrained regularization methods for denoising and interpolation”, Almeida et al.
CWP-871 “Computing focusing functions for model-based redatuming: an inverse filter approach”, Planes/Snieder
CWP-870 ” Beyond Marchenko – Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface”, Singh/Snieder
CWP-869 “Imaging the model through wave equations”, Diaz Pantin et al.
CWP-868 “Extended imaging, deconvolution, and two-way wavefields: a comparison”, Diaz Pantin et al.
CWP-867 “Strategies for imaging with Marchenko-retrieved Green’s functions”, Singh/Snieder
CWP-866 “3D angle decomposition for elastic reverse time migration”, Duan/Sava
CWP-865 “Elastic least-squares reverse time migration”, Duan et al.
CWP-864 “Passive wavefield imaging using the energy norm”, Rocha et al.
CWP-863 “Anisotropic elastic wavefield imaging using the energy norm”, Rocha et al.
CWP-862 “Full-waveform inversion with reflected waves for 2D VTI media”, Pattnaik et al.
CWP-861 “Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media”, Bai/Tsvankin
CWP-860 “Anisotropic waveform inversion for microseismic velocity analysis and event location”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-859 “Feasibility of waveform inversion in acoustic orthorhombic media”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-858 “Gradient computation for VTI acoustic wavefield tomography”, Li et al.
CWP-857 “Full-waveform inversion in a VTI elastic Earth: a parameterization and crosstalk study”, Guitton/Alkhalifah
CWP-856 “Elastic FWI for VTI media: A synthetic parameterization study”, Kamath et al.
CWP-852R “3D seismic image processing for subsurface modeling”, Wu
CWP-851R “Simultaneous multiple well-seismic ties using flattened synthetic and real seismograms”, Wu/Caumon
CWP-850R “Methods to compute salt likelihoods and extract salt boundaries from 3D seismic images”, Wu
CWP-849R “Strategies for imaging with Marchenko-retrieved Green’s functions”, Singh/Snieder
CWP-847R “Beyond Marchenko – Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface”, Singh/Snieder
CWP-843 “Error propagation with synthetic aperture for CSEM”, Knaak /Snieder
CWP-842 “Elastic waves as a Foucault pendulum?”, Snieder
CWP-841 “Seismic interferometry and stationary phase at caustics”, Snieder
CWP-840 “Time-domain finite-difference modeling for attenuative anisotropic media”, Bai/Tsvankin
CWP-839 “Moving faults while unfaulting 3D seismic images”, Wu/Hale
CWP-838 “3D seismic image processing for faults”, Wu/Hale
CWP-837 “Waveform inversion for microseismic source parameters: Synthetic and field-data applications”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-836 “Elastic wavefield tomography with physical model constraints”, Duan/Sava
CWP-835 “Elastic full-waveform inversion for a synthetic VTI model from Valhall field”, Kamath/Tsvankin
CWP-834 “Pseudo-acoustic wavefield tomography with model constraints”, Wang/Sava
CWP-833 “Seismic tomography using local correlations”, Díaz/Sava
CWP-832 “Elastic wavefield imaging using the energy norm”, Rocha/Sava
CWP-831 “Acoustic wavefield imaging using the energy norm”, Rocha/Sava
CWP-830 “Robustness of the scalar elastic imaging condition for converted waves”, Duan/Sava
CWP-829 “Separation of diffracted waves in TI media”, Arora/Tsvankin
CWP-828 “Analysis of RTM extended images for VTI media”, Li/Tsvankin
CWP-827 “Incorporating free-surface multiples in Marchenko imaging”, Singh/Snieder
CWP-818 “A comparison of three methods for estimating velocity changes between time-lapse microseismic signals”, Kanu/Muñoz
CWP-817 “Time-lapse imaging of localized weak changes with multiply scattered waves”, Kanu et al.
CWP-816 “Numerical computation of the sensitivity kernel for time-lapse monitoring with multiply scattered waves”, Kanu/Snieder
CWP-815 “Implementing an anisotropic and spatially varying Matern model covariance with smoothing filters”, Hale
CWP-814 “Simultaneous correlation of multiple well logs”, Wheeler/Hale
CWP-813 “3D seismic image processing for unconformities”, Wu/Hale
CWP-812 “Horizon volumes with interpreted constraints”, Wu/Hale
CWP-811 “Wavelets and warping PS seismic images”, Graziano/Hale
CWP-810 “Elastic imaging with OBS receiver-side multiples”, Duan/Sava
CWP-809 “Imaging condition for elastic RTM”, Duan/Sava
CWP-808 “Least-squares migration in the presence of velocity errors”, Luo/Hale
CWP-807 “Waveform inversion for parameters of microseismic sources in VTI media”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-806 “Gradient calculation for waveform inversion of microseismic data in VTI media”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-805 “Sensitivity analysis for elastic full-waveform inversion in VTI media”, Kamath/Tsvankin
CWP-804 “Elastic full-waveform inversion of transmission data in 2D VTI media”, Kamath/Tsvankin
CWP-803 “Image-domain and data-domain waveform tomography: a case study”, Diaz et al.
CWP-802 “A comparative review of wavefield tomography methods”, Sava
CWP-801 “Scattering amplitude of a single fracture under uniaxial stress”, Blum et al.
CWP-800 “Reverse-Time Migration of Ultrasonic-Echo Data on a Foundation Slab”, Grohmann/Niederleithinger
CWP-799 “Event locating using deconvolution: Experimental application and analysis”, Douma et al.
CWP-798 “Optimized 3D synthetic aperture CSEM”, Knaak/Snieder
CWP-797 “Autofocusing imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples and free-surface multiples”, Singh et al.
CWP-796 “Marchenko imaging”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-795 “Seismic reflector imaging using internal multiples with Marchenko-type equations“, Slob et al.
CWP-794 “Focusing of elastic waves for microseismic imaging”, Douma/Snieder
CWP-793 “Improved temporal focusing at source location using deconvolution”, Douma et al.
CWP-792 “Optimal wave focusing in elastic media”, Bazargani/Snieder
CWP-791 “Optimal wave focusing in acoustic media”, Bazargani/Snieder
CWP-790R “Conditioning the full waveform inversion gradient to welcome anisotropy”, Alkhalifah
CWP-788 “Monitoring a building using deconvolution interferometry. II: Ambient-vibration analysis”, Nakata/Snieder
CWP-779 “Project review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, May 13-16, 2013”
CWP-777 “Monitoring a building using deconvolution interferometry. I: Earthquake-data analysis”, Nakata et al.
CWP-776 “Extracting the earth response from noise measurements”, Snieder/Larose
CWP-775 “Body-wave interferometry using multi-dimensional deconvolution after wavefield decomposition at free surface“, Nakata/Snieder
CWP-774 “Blind deconvolution of multichannel recordings by linearized inversion in the spectral domain”, Behm
CWP-773 “Retrieval of local surface wave velocities from trac noise – an example from the La Barge basin (Wyoming)”, Behm et al.
CWP-772 “A practical approach to prediction of internal multiples and ghosts”, Behura/Forghani
CWP-771 “Synthetic aperture Green’s function retrieval”, Snieder/Sawazaki
CWP-770 “3D synthetic aperture and steering for controlled-source electromagnetics”, Knaak et al.
CWP-769 “Optimal wave focusing”, Bazargani/Snieder
CWP-768 “Three-dimensional single-sided Marchenko inverse scattering, data-driven focusing, Green’s function retrieval, and their mutual relations”, Broggini/Snieder
CWP-767 “Relationship between one-sided and two-sided Green’s function representations”, Broggini et al.
CWP-766 “Extracting horizons and sequence boundaries from 3D seismic images”, Wu/Hale
CWP-765 “Estimating Vp=Vs ratios using smooth dynamic image warping“, Compton/Hale
CWP-764 “Smooth dynamic warping”, Hale/Compton
CWP-763 “Time-lapse monitoring of velocity changes in Utah”, Kanu et al.
CWP-762 “Shot-domain 4D time-lapse seismic velocity analysis using apparent image displacements”, Perrone/Sava
CWP-761 “Point-source radiation in attenuative anisotropic media”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-760 “Kirchhoff modeling for attenuative anisotropic media”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-759 “Tomographic velocity analysis of PP- and PS-waves for VTI media: Field-data application”, Cai/Tsvankin
CWP-758 “Multiparameter TTI tomography: Application to synthetic and field data”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-757 “Gradient computation for full-waveform inversion of microseismic data in VTI media”, Jarillo Michel/Tsvankin
CWP-756 “Locating a microseismic event using deconvolution”, Douma et al.
CWP-755 “Imaging direct- as well as scattered-events in microseismic data using inverse scattering theory”, Behura/Snieder
CWP-754 “Improving microseismic imaging: role of acquisition, velocity model, and imaging condition”, Behura et al.
CWP-753 “Anisotropy signature in RTM extended images”, Sava/Alkhalifah
CWP-752 “Gradient computation for elastic full-waveform inversion in 2D VTI media”, Kamath/Tsvankin
CWP-751 “Image warping waveform tomography”, Perrone/Sava
CWP-750 “Separating traveltimes and amplitudes in waveform inversion”, Luo/Hale
CWP-749 “Wavefield tomography using RTM backscattering”, Diaz/Sava
CWP-748 “3D image-domain wavefield tomography using time-lag extended images”, Yang/Sava
CWP-746 “Inversion of multicomponent seismic time shifts for reservoir pressure and length: A feasibility study”, Smith/Tsvankin
CWP-737 “Teaching graduate students The Art of Science”, Snieder et al.
CWP-736 “Feasibility of inverting compaction-induced traveltime shifts for reservoir pressure”, Smith/Tsvankin
CWP-735 “Estimation of velocity change using repeating earthquakes with different locations and focal mechanisms”, Kanu/Snieder
CWP-734 “Time-lapse change in anisotropy in Japan’s near surface caused by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake”, Nakata/Snieder
CWP-733 “Near-surface weakening in Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake”, Nakata/Snieder
CWP-732 “Estimating near-surface shear-wave velocities in Japan by applying seismic interferometry to KiK-net data”, Nakata/Snieder
CWP-731 “Analyzing the coda from correlating scattered surface waves”, Mikesell et al.
CWP-730 “Laser excitation of elastic waves at a fracture”, Blum et al.
CWP-729 “3D synthetic aperture for diffusive fields”, Knaak et al.
CWP-728 “Estimating intrinsic attenuation of a building using deconvolution interferometry and time reversal”, Newton/Snieder
CWP-727 “Attenuation analysis for heterogeneous transversely isotropic media”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-726 “Tensor-guided fitting of subducting slab depths”, Bazargani et al.
CWP-725 “Automatically tying well logs to seismic data”, Munoz/Hale
CWP-724 “Automatic registration of PP and PS images using dynamic image warping”, Liang/Hale
CWP-723 “Dynamic warping of seismic images”, Hale
CWP-722 “Unfaulting and unfolding 3D seismic images”, Luo/Hale
CWP-721 “Fault surfaces and fault throws from 3D seismic images”, Hale
CWP-720 “Newton-Marchenko-Rose Imaging: Image reconstruction based on inverse scattering theory”, Behura et al.
CWP-719 “Data-driven wavefield reconstruction and focusing for laterally-varying velocity models, spatially-extended virtual sources, and inaccurate direct arrivals”, Broggini et al.
CWP-718 “Creating a virtual source inside a medium from reflection data: a stationary-phase analysis”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-717 “Focusing the wavefield inside an unknown 1D medium: Beyond seismic interferometry”, Broggini et al.
CWP-716 “Increasing illumination and sensitivity of reverse-time migration with internal multiples”, Fleury
CWP-715 “Joint migration velocity analysis of PP- and PS-waves for VTI media”, Cai/Tsvankin
CWP-714 “Multiparameter TTI tomography of P-wave reflection and VSP data”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-713 “Optimization of time reversal focusing through deconvolution”, Ulrich et al.
CWP-712 “Understanding the reverse time migration backscattering: Noise or signal?”, Díaz/Sava
CWP-711 “Illumination compensation for image-domain wavefield tomography”, Yang et al.
CWP-710 “Image-domain wavefield tomography with extended common-image-point gathers”, Yang/Sava
CWP-709 “Wavefield tomography based on local image correlations”, Perrone/Sava
CWP-708 “Linearized wave-equation migration velocity analysis by image warping”, Perrone et al.
CWP-707 “Full waveform inversion with dynamic image warping”, Ma/Hale
CWP-706 “Full-waveform inversion of multicomponent data for layered VTI media”, Kamath/Tsvankin
CWP-705 “Application of image-guided full waveform inversion to a 2D ocean-bottom cable data set”, Ma et al.
CWP-700 “Attenuation analysis of cross-hole data generated during hydraulic fracturing”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-699 “Theory and laboratory experiments of elastic wave scattering by dry planar fractures”, Snieder et al.
CWP-698 “Estimation and Analysis of Compaction-Induced Traveltime Shifts”, Smith/Tsvankin
CWP-697 “Tensor-guided interpolation of subducting slab depths”, Bazargani et al.
CWP-696 “Tensor-guided interpolation on non-planar surfaces”, Hale
CWP-695 “Structure-oriented bilateral filtering”, Hale
CWP-694 “Non-vertical deformations for seismic image flattening”, Luo/Hale
CWP-693 “1D electromagnetic model reconstruction by modified inverse scattering series”, Kwon/Snieder
CWP-692 “Increasing the sensitivity of controlled source electromagnetics with synthetic aperture”, Fan et al.
CWP-691 “Extracting the wave-function in quantum mechanics from intensity measurements”, Snieder et al.
CWP-690 “Connection of scattering principles: a visual and mathematical tour”, Broggini/Snieder
CWP-689 “Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-688 “Shear-wave imaging from traffic noise using seismic interferometry by cross-coherence”, Nakata et al.
CWP-700 “Attenuation analysis of cross-hole data generated during hydraulic fracturing”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-699 “Theory and laboratory experiments of elastic wave scattering by dry planar fractures”, Snieder et al.
CWP-698 “Estimation and Analysis of Compaction-Induced Traveltime Shifts”, Smith/Tsvankin
CWP-697 “Tensor-guided interpolation of subducting slab depths”, Bazargani et al.
CWP-696 “Tensor-guided interpolation on non-planar surfaces”, Hale
CWP-695 “Structure-oriented bilateral filtering”, Hale
CWP-694 “Non-vertical deformations for seismic image flattening”, Luo/Hale
CWP-693 “1D electromagnetic model reconstruction by modified inverse scattering series”, Kwon/Snieder
CWP-692 “Increasing the sensitivity of controlled source electromagnetics with synthetic aperture”, Fan et al.
CWP-691 “Extracting the wave-function in quantum mechanics from intensity measurements”, Snieder
CWP-690 “Connection of scattering principles: a visual and mathematical tour”, Broggini/Snieder
CWP-689 “Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-688 “Shear-wave imaging from traffic noise using seismic interferometry by cross-coherence”, Nakata et al.
CWP-687 “Migration velocity analysis for TI media with quadratic lateral velocity variation”, Takanashi/Tsvankin
CWP-686 “Moveout inversion of wide-azimuth data in the presence of velocity lenses”, Takanashi/Tsvankin
CWP-685 “NMO ellipse for a strati ed medium with laterally varying velocity”, Takanashi/Tsvankin
CWP-684 “Ray-based gridded tomography for tilted TI media”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-683 “A comparison of shot-encoding schemes for wave-equation migration”, Godwin/Sava
CWP-682 “Imaging condition for nonlinear scattering-based imaging: estimate of power loss in scattering”, Fleury/Vasconcelos
CWP-681 “Wide-azimuth angle gathers for anisotropic wave-equation migration”, Sava/Alkhalifah
CWP-680 “Image-domain waveform inversion with the adjoint-state method”, Yang/Sava
CWP-679 “A projected Hessian for full waveform inversion”, Ma/Hale
CWP-678 “Image-guided full waveform inversion”, Ma et al.
CWP-671 Project Review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Golden, Colorado, May 17, 2020.
CWP-670 “Coupled geomechanical and seismic modeling of compaction-induced traveltime shifts for multicomponent data”, Smith/Tsvankin
CWP-669 “Estimation of interval shear-wave attenuation from mode-converted data”, Shekar/Tsvankin
CWP-668 “Correction for the influence of velocity lenses on nonhyperbolic moveout inversion for VTI media”, Takanashi/Tsvankin
CWP-667 “Moveout inversion of wide-azimuth P-wave data for tilted TI media”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-666 “Extracting the Green’s function for static problems from dynamic fields”, Snieder et al.
CWP-665 “Comparison of scattering series solutions for acoustic wave and electromagnetic diffusion equations”, Kwon/Snieder
CWP-664 “Increasing the sensitivity of controlled source electromagnetics by using synthetic aperture”, Fan et al.
CWP-663 “Cancellation of spurious arrivals in Green’s function retrieval of multiple scattered waves”, Snieder/Fleury
CWP-662 “General representation theorem for perturbed media and application to Green’s function retrieval for scattering problems”, Fleury et al.
CWP-661 “Eikonal tomography: Surface wave tomography by phase-front tracking across a regional broad-band seismic array”, Lin et al.
CWP-660 “Equipartitioning is not sufficient for Green’s function extraction”, Snieder et al.
CWP-659 “Tutorial on seismic interferometry. Part II: Underlying theory and new advances”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-657 “A stable and fast implementation of natural neighbor interpolation”, Liang/Hale
CWP-656 “Image-guided 3D interpolation of borehole data”, Hale
CWP-655 “Visualization of 3D tensor fields derived from seismic images”, Engelsma/Hale
CWP-654 “Painting seismic images in 3D”, Engelsma/Hale
CWP-653 “Estimating fault displacements in seismic images”, Liang et al.
CWP-652 “Velocity analysis using weighted semblance”, Luo/Hale
CWP-651 “Full waveform inversion with image-guided gradient”, Ma et al.
CWP-650 “Analysis of converted-wave extended images for migration velocity analysis”, Yan/Sava
CWP-649 “Wave-equation migration velocity analysis with extended common-image-point gathers”, Yang/Sava
CWP-648 “Amplitude calculations for 3-D Gaussian beam migration using complex-valued traveltimes”, Bleistein/Gray
CWP-647 “Nonlinear extended wave-equation imaging by image-domain seismic interferometry”, Vasconcelos et al.
CWP-646 “Wave-equation migration with dithered plane waves”, Perrone/Sava
CWP-645 “Simultaneous source imaging by amplitude encoding”, Godwin/Sava
CWP-644 “Extended imaging conditions for wave-equation migration”, Sava/Vasconcelos
CWP-642P “Seismic anisotropy in exploration and reservoir characterization: An overview”, Tsvankin et al.
CWP-635 “Structure-oriented smoothing and semblance”, Hale
CWP-634 “Image-guided blended neighbor interpolation”, Hale
CWP-633 “Freeform modeling of faulted surfaces in seismic images”, Parks
CWP-632 “Imaging effects due to multi-scale model heterogeneity”, Ma/Sava
CWP-631 “Probabilistic micro-earthquake location for reservoir monitoring and characterization”, Xuan/Sava
CWP-630 “Wave-equation migration velocity analysis using extended images”, Yang/Sava
CWP-629 “Moveout analysis of wave-equation extended images”, Yang/Sava
CWP-628 “Elastic wave mode separation for TTI media”, Yan/Sava
CWP-627 “Stacking-velocity tomography with borehole constraints for tilted TI media”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-626 “Multi-azimuth prestack time migration for anisotropic weakly heterogeneous media”, Söllner et al.
CWP-625 “Influence of background heterogeneity on traveltime shifts for compacting reservoirs”, R. Fuck et al.
CWP-624 “Facing the main challenges in carbon capture and sequestration”, Snieder/Young
CWP-623 “Uncertainty analysis for the integration of seismic and CSEM data”, Kwon/Snieder
CWP-622 “3-D controlled source electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution”, Fan/Snieder
CWP-621 “Retrieving the potential field response from cross-correlations”, Slob/Snieder
CWP-620 “Lagrangian Green’s function extraction, with applications to potential fields, diffusion, and acoustic waves”, Snieder et al.
CWP-619 “A comparison of strategies for seismic interferometry”, Snieder et al.
CWP-616 “Analysis of the symmetry of a stressed medium using nonlinear elasticity”, R. Fuck/Tsvankin
CWP-615 “Role of the inhomogeneity angle in anisotropic attenuation analysis”, Behura/Tsvankin
CWP-608 “The cancellation of spurious arrivals in Green’s function extraction and the generalized optical theorem”, Snieder et al.
CWP-607 “The extraction of the Green’s function and the generalized optical theorem”, Snieder et al.
CWP-606 “Seismic and electromagnetic controlled-source interferometry in dissipative media”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-605 “Source distribution in interferometry for wave and diffusion”, Fan/Snieder
CWP-604 “Asymptotically true-amplitude one-way wave equations in t: Modeling, migration, and inversion”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-603 “Accelerating isochron-ray wavefield extrapolation migration”, Silva/Sava
CWP-602 “Modeling and imaging with isochron rays”, Silva/Sava
CWP-601 “Range and resolution analysis of wide-azimuth angle decomposition”, Melo/Sava
CWP-600 “Micro-earthquake monitoring with sparsely-sampled data”, Sava
CWP-599 “Seismic imaging with Wigner distribution functions”, Sava/Poliannikov
CWP-598 “Elastic wavefield separation for VTI media”, Yan/Sava
CWP-597 “Angle-domain elastic reverse-time migration”, Yan/Sava
CWP-596 “Estimation of interval anisotropic attenuation from reflection data”, Behura/Tsvankin
CWP-595 “Reflection coefficients in attenuative anisotropic media”, Behura/Tsvankin
CWP-594 “Effective reflection coefficients for curved interfaces in TI media”, Ayzenberg et al.
CWP-593 “Compact finite-difference approximations for anisotropic image smoothing and painting”, Hale.
CWP-592 “Defining regions in seismic images by flattening”, Parks et al.
CWP-591 “Detection of channels in seismic images using the steerable pyramid”, Mathewson/Hale
CWP-590 “Seismic modeling and analysis of the prototype heated nuclear waste storage tunnel, Yucca Mountain, NV”, Smith/Snieder
CWP-589 “Interval anisotropic parameter estimation using velocity-independent layer stripping”, Wang/Tsvankin
CWP-588 “Apparent horizontal displacements in time-lapse seismic images”, Hale et al.
CWP-587 “Numeric implementation of wave-equation migration velocity analysis operators”, Sava/Vlad
CWP-584P “Representation theorems in perturbed acoustic media: Applications to interferometry and imaging”, Vasconcelos/Snieder
CWP-578P “Target-oriented interferometry: Imaging internal multiples from subsalt VSP data”, Vasconcelos et al.
CWP-579 “Project Review of Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures, Golden, CO, May 21-24, 2007” CWP Faculty and Staff. Part I, Part 2
CWP-577 “Broadside imaging of the San Andreas fault system at depth”, Vasconcelos et al.
CWP-576 “Interferometry by deconvolution, Part II: Application to drill-bit seismic data”, Vasconcelos/Snieder
CWP-575 “Interferometry by deconvolution, Part I: Theory and numerical examples”, Vasconcelos/Snieder
CWP-574 “Virtual real source”, Behura
CWP-573 “Virtual source method applied to Mars field OBC data for time-lapse monitoring”, Mehta et al.
CWP-572 “Improving the virtual source method by wavefield separation”, Mehta et al.
CWP-571 “Unified Green’s function retrieval by cross-correlation”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-572 “Improving the virtual source method by wavefield separation”, Mehta et al.
CWP-570 “AVO-sensitive semblance analysis for wide-azimuth data”, Yan/Tsvankin
CWP-569 “Moveout-based geometrical-spreading correction for converted waves”, Xu/Tsvankin
CWP-568 “A case study of azimuthal AVO analysis with anisotropic spreading correction”, Xu/Tsvankin
CWP-567 “Local dip filtering with directional Laplacians”, Hale
CWP-566 “A method for estimating apparent displacement vectors from time-lapse seismic images”, Hale
CWP-565 “Theory of traveltime shifts around compacting reservoirs: 3D solutions for heterogeneous anisotropic media”, R. Fuck et al.
CWP-564 “Advanced non-invasive geophysical monitoring techniques”, Snieder et al.
CWP-563 “Migration velocity analysis and imaging for tilted TI media”, Behura/Tsvankin
CWP-562 “Stereographic imaging condition for wave-equation migration”, Sava
CWP-561 “Interferometric imaging condition for wave-equation migration”, Sava/Poliannikov
CWP-559P “Unified Green’s function retrieval by cross-correlation; connection with energy principles”, Snieder et al.
CWP-556 “Extracting the Green’s function of attenuating heterogeneous acoustic media from uncorrelated waves”, Snieder
CWP-555P “Retrieving the Green’s function of the diffusion equation from the response to a random forcing”, Snieder
CWP-547 “The Java and C++platforms for scientific computing”, Hale
CWP-546 “Recursive Gaussian filters”, Hale
CWP-545 “Seamless local prediction filtering”, Hale
CWP-544 “An efficient method for computing local cross-correlations of multi-dimensional signals”, Hale
CWP-543 “Spatial variation in Mount St. Helens clones from coda wave analysis”, Snieder et al.
CWP-542 “Increase of shear wave velocity before the 1998 eruption of Merapi volcano (Indonesia)”, Wegler et al.
CWP-541 “The coherent backscattering effect for moving scatterers”, Snieder
CWP-540 “Estimating changes in source mechanisms from coda wave interferometry”, Robinson et al.
CWP-539 “Equivalence of the virtual source method and wavefield deconvolution in seismic interferometry”, Snieder et al.
CWP-538 “Virtual source gathers and attenuation of free-surface multiples using OBC data: Implementation issues and a case study”, Mehta et al.
CWP-537 “Extraction of near-surface properties from earthquake data recorded in a borehole using seismic interferometry”, Mehta et al.
CWP-536 “Heavy oils and oil shales: Their shear story“, Behura et al.
CWP-535 “Far- field radiation from seismic sources in 2D attenuative anisotropic media”, Zhu/Tsvankin
CWP-534 “Effective attenuation anisotropy of layered media”, Zhu et al.
CWP-533 “Seismic characterization of multiple fracture sets from multicomponent, multiazimuth, 3D data: Rulison Field, CO”, Vasconcelos/Grechka
CWP-532 “On the influence of crack shape on effective elasticity of fractured media”, Grechka et al.
CWP-531 “Seismic critical-angle reectometry: A method to characterize azimuthal anisotropy?”, Landro/Tsvankin
CWP-530 “Synthetic study of wide-azimuth AVO analysis with anisotropic spreading correction”, Xu/Tsvankin
CWP-529 “Developments in seismic anisotropy: Treating realistic subsurface models in imaging and fracture detection”, Tsvankin/Grechka CWP-528 “Properties of evanescent waves in anisotropic media”, Tsvankin
CWP-527 “Nonhyperbolic moveout inversion of qP-waves in layered VTI media using rational interpolation”, Douma/van der Baan
CWP-526 “A hybrid formulation of map migration and wave-equation-based migration using curvelets”, Douma/Van de Hoop
CWP-525 “Kirchhoff inversion for incident waves synthesized from common-shot data gathers”, Bleistein
CWP-524 “Generalized imaging conditions for wave-equation migration”, Sava/Fomel
CWP-516 “Project Review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures”, Estes Park, CO, May 10-12, 2005
CWP-515 “Seismic signatures of two orthogonal sets of vertical microcorrugated fractures”, R. Fuck/Tsvankin
CWP-514 “Spectral element modeling of fault-plane reflections arising from fluid pressure distributions”, Haney et al.
CWP-513 “A fault caught in the act of burping”, Haney et al.
CWP-512 “Velocity smoothing before depth migration: Does it help or hurt?”, Larner/Pacheco
CWP-511 “Time reversed imaging for perturbed media”, Mehta et al.
CWP-510 “On common-offset pre-stack time migration with curvelets”, Douma/Van de Hoop
CWP-509 “Small-angle AVO response of PS-waves in tilted TI media”, Behura/Tsvankin
CWP-508 “Exact layer stripping of PP and PS reections from dipping interfaces in anisotropic media”, Dewangan/Tsvankin
CWP-507 “PS-wave moveout inversion for tilted transversely isotropic media: A physical-modeling study”, Dewangan et al.
CWP-506 “Physical modeling and analysis of P-wave attenuation anisotropy in transversely isotropic media”, Zhu et al.
CWP-505 “Plane-wave attenuation anisotropy in orthorhombic media”, Zhu/Tsvankin
CWP-504 “Estimation of azimuthally varying attenuation from surface seismic data”, Vasconcelos/Jenner
CWP-503P “The theory of coda wave interferometry”, Snieder
CWP-502 “Extracting the building response using seismic interferometry: Theory and application to the Millikan Library in Pasadena, California”, Snieder
CWP-501 “Retrieving the Green’s function in an open system by cross-correlation: A comparison of approaches”, Wapenaar et al.
CWP-500P “Spurious multiples in seismic interferometry of primaries”, Snieder et al.
CWP-499 “A method for inverse scattering based on the generalized Bremmer coupling series: Practical issues and examples”, Malcolm et al.
CWP-498 “Nonhyperbolic moveout analysis in VTI media using rational interpolation”, Douma et al.
CWP-496P “Correcting for bias due to noise in coda wave interferometry”, Douma/Snieder
CWP-493 “Migration inversion: Think image point coordinates, process in acquisition surface coordinates”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-493 “Migration/inversion: Think image point coordinates, process in acquisition surface coordinates”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-487 “A formalism for the suppression of multiple diffractions”, Snieder
CWP-486 “Inverse multiple scattering in the downward continuation approach: Preface”, Malcolm/Van de Hoop
CWP-485 “Monitoring rapid temporal change in a volcano with Coda Wave Interferometry”, Grêt et al.
CWP-484 “Time-lapse traveltime change of singly-scattered acoustic waves”, Pacheco/Snieder
CWP-483 “Time-lapse monitoring of rock properties with coda wave interferometry”, Grêt et al.
CWP-482 “Seismic detection of a spatially-limited fluid pulse ascending a growth fault: Modeling and interpretation”, Haney et al.
CWP-481 “Geometrical-spreading correction for P-waves in layered azimuthally anisotropic media”, Xu/Tsvankin
CWP-480 “Data continuation in the presence of caustics: A synthetic data example”, Malcolm/Van de Hoop
CWP-479 “Plane-wave propagation and radiation patterns in attenuative TI media”, Zhu/Tsvankin
CWP-478 “Image gathers of SV-waves in homogeneous and factorized VTI media”, Al-Zayer/Tsvankin
CWP-477 “Application of PS-wave moveout asymmetry in parameter estimation for tilted Ti media – Part II: Dipping TTI layer”, Dewangan/Tsvankin
CWP-476 “Spectral element modeling of fault-plane reflections and their sensitivity to stacking and migration errors“, Haney et al.
CWP-475 “Non-hyperbolic moveout inversion of wide-azimuth P-wave data for orthorhombic media”, Vasconcelos/Tsvankin
CWP-474 “Anisotropic migration velocity analysis: Application to a data set from West Africa”, Sarakr/Tsvankin
CWP-473 “Joint P- and S-wave velocity reflection tomography using PP and PS data: An approach based on co-depthing and differential semblance in scattering angle optimization”, Foss et al.
CWP-472 “The downward continuation approach to modeling and inverse scattering of seismic data in the Kirchhoff approximation”, Van de Hoop
CWP-471 “Volcano monitoring with a natural source: Application to Arenal Volcano, Cost Rica”, Snieder/Hagerty
CWP-467 “Extracting the Green’s function from the correlation of coda waves: A derivation based on stationary phase”, Snieder
CWP-465 “Applications of PS-wave moveout asymmetry in parameter estimation for tilted TI media”, Dewangan/Tsvankin.
CWP-459 “Localizing change with Coda Wave Interferometry: Derivation and validation of the sensitivity kernel”, Pacheco/Snieder
CWP-458 “Constraining relative source locations with the seismic coda”, Snieder
CWP-457 “Quantifying the uncertainties in absorption estimates from VSP spectral ratios”, Mateeva
CWP-456 “Fault-plane reflections as a diagnostic of pressure differences in reservoirs: A case study”, Haney et al.
CWP-455 “Measuring, imaging and suppressing multiply scattered surface waves”, Campman et al.
CWP-454 “Generation and processing of pseudo shear-wave data: Theory and case study”, Grechka/Dewangan
CWP-453 “Global wave-equation reflection tomography”, V. de Hoop/van der Hilst
CWP-452 “Quartic moveout coefficient for dipping azimuthally anisotropic layers”, Pech/Tsvankin
CWP-451 “Migration velocity analysis in factorized VTI media”, Sarkar/Tsvankin
CWP-450 “Explicit expressions for map time-migration in weakly anisotropic VTI media”, Douma
CWP-449 “Closed-form expressions for map time-migration in VTI media and the applicability of map depth-migration in the presence of caustics”, Douma/V. de Hoop
CWP-448 “Wave equation migration arising from true amplitude one-way wave equations”, Zhang et al.
CWP-447 “Analytic description of geometrical spreading in azimuthally anisotropic media”, Xu et al.
CWP-446 “Radiative transfer in 1D and connection to the O’Doherty-Anstey formula”, Haney et al.
CWP-445 “Reflected and transmitted waves from fault zones”, Zhu/Snieder
CWP-444 “Numerical modeling of waves incident on slip discontinuities”, Haney/Snieder
CWP-443P “Analysis of strong scattering at the micro-scale”, Van Wijk et al.
CWP-441P “Distortions in VSP spectral ratios caused by thin horizontal layering”, Mateeva
CWP-440P “Elastic energy propagation in a strongly scattering 1D laboratory model”, Van Wijk et al.
CWP-439P “Laser characterization of ultrasonic wave propagation in random media”, Scales/Malcolm
CWP-438P “Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy: Theory and application”, Zadler et al.
CWP-436P “The applicability of DMO/AMO in the presence of caustics”, Malcolm et al.
CWP-432 “Quartic moveout coefficient: 3D description and application to tilted TI media”, Pech et al.
CWP-431P “Linearized 2.5-D parameter imaging-inversion in anisotropic elastic media”, Foss et al.
CWP-426 “Seismic wavefield ‘continuation’ in the single scattering approximation: A framework for dip and azimuth movement”, de Hoop et al.
CWP-425 “Project review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Vail, Colorado, May 6-9, 2002”
CWP-424 “Monitoring thermal cracking with coda wave interferometry”, Grêt et al.
CWP-423 “Seeing heterogeneities in rocks: Preliminary results from a noncontacting ultrasonic experiment“, Malcolm/Scales
CWP-422 “2.5-D modeling and inversion/migration by the generalized Radon transform”, Foss/Ursin
CWP-421 “On the relationship between the 2D Beylkin determinant and 2D ray Jacobian: Consequences for inversion formulas”, Bleistein.
CWP-420 “A proposal for common-opening-angle migration/inversion”, Bleistein/Gray
CWP-419 “The breakdown of wave diffusion in 2D due to loops”, Haney/Snieder
CWP-418 “Measuring the two-point correlation function of a turbulent fluid with coda wave interferometry”, Snieder
CWP-417 “Seismic inverse scattering in the ‘wave-equation’ approach”, Stolk/Van de Hoop
CWP-416 “Selective-correlation velocity analysis”, Celis/Larner
CWP-415 “Integrating pressure-transient experiments and seismic reservoir characterization”, Cardona et al.
CWP-414 “Two theories for fluid substitution in porous rocks with aligned cracks”, Cardona
CWP-413 “Feasibility of seismic characterization of multiple fracture sets”, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-412 “Joint nonlinear inversion of PP- and PS-wave reflection coefficients in anisotropic media”, Jílek
CWP-411 “Parameter estimation in orthorhombic media using multicomponent reflection data”, Grechka et al.
CWP-410 “Inversion of multi-component, multi-azimuth walkaway VSP data for the stiffness tensor”, Dewangan/Grechka
CWP-409 “Geometrical spreading in a layered transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry”, Ursin/Hokstad
CWP-408 “Comparison of seismic dispersion and attenuation models”, Ursin/Toverud
CWP-407 “Scale factor for ray theoretic Green’s function amplitudes”, Bleistein
CWP-406 “Analysis of image gathers in factorized VTI media”, Sarkar/Tsvankin
CWP-405 “Quartic moveout coefficient: 3-D analytic description and application to tilted TI media”, Pech et al.
CWP-402 “Uniform asymptotic expansion of the square-root Helmholtz operator and the one-way wave propagator”, Van de Hoop/Gautesen
CWP-401 “On the phase of the apparent attenuation operator in the convolutional model of the seismic trace”, Mateeva
CWP-398P “3D depth imaging with generalized screens: A salt body case study”, Le Rousseau et al.
CWP-393 “Tutorial: The Fresnel volume and transmitted waves”, Spetzler/Snieder
CWP-385P “Anisotropic inversion and imaging of PP and PS reflection data in the North Sea”, Grechka et al.
CWP-384 “Project review of consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Vail, Colorado, May 7-10, 2001”
CWP-383 “Error in shear wave polarization and time splitting”, Michaud/Snieder
CWP-378 “Coda wave interferometry”, Snieder/Douma
CWP-377 “Spectral footprint of intrabed multiples”, Mateeva
CWP-376 “Detection of wave front set perturbations via correlation: Foundation for wave-equation tomography”, Hörmann/de Hoop
CWP-375 “Calculation of 2D ray-fields in smooth media using a pseudo-spectral expansion technique”, Kraaijpoel et al.
CWP-374 “Tomographic migration velocity analysis by differential semblance optimization with respect to scattering-angle/azimuth in anisotropic elastic media”, de Hoop et al.
CWP-373 “Symplectic structure of wave-equation imaging: A path-integral approach based on the double-square-root equation”, de Hoop et al.
CWP-367 “Joint inversion of PP- and PS-wave reflection coefficients in anisotropic media”, Jílek
CWP-364 “Tunable multiple-scattering system”, Scales/Van Wijk
CWP-362P “Data and model uncertainty estimation for linear inversion”, van Wijk et al.
CWP-360P “The formation of caustics in two- and three-dimensional media”, Spetzler/Snieder
CWP-359 “Waves in one dimension: fundamental concepts and waves in higher dimensions”, Bleistein
CWP-358 “The comparison of four closely related depth migration methods”, Han
CWP-357 “Estimation of multi-valued Green’s function by dynamic ray tracing and true-amplitude Kirchhoff inversion in 3D heterogeneous media“, Wang
CWP-356 “The influence of vertical-path datuming on seismic data“, Robinson
CWP-344R “Scalar generalized-screen algorithms in transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis“, LeRousseau and van de Hoop
CWP-343 “Imaging and inversion of ocean bottom seismic data using the inverse generalized radon transform“, Brandsberg-Dahl et al.
CWP-342 “Imaging and inversion with acoustic and elastic waves“, Scales
CWP-341 “Short Note: Estimation of anisotropy from multi-azimuth walkaway VSP data in the presence of lateral heterogeneity“, Bakulin/Grechka
CWP-340 “Converted PS-wave reflection coefficients in anisotropic media“, Jílek
CWP-339 “Generalized characteristics and propagation of singularities for a conservative hyperbolic equation with a discontinuous coefficient“, Hörmann/Van de Hoop
CWP-338 “Wave field decomposition in anisotropic fluids: A special theory approach“, Lars et al.
CWP-337 “The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral for anisotropic elastic media“, Schleicher et al.
CWP-336 “Velocity analysis in the presence of amplitude elastic media“, Sarkar et al.
CWP-335 “Datuming and layer replacement: When are static corrections sufficient?” Robinson/Larner
CWP-334 “Estimating the influence of random noise on picked traveltimes“, Mateeva
CWP-333 “Two prestack converted-wave migration algorithms for vertical transverse isotropy“, Han
CWP-332 “Influence of seismic anisotropy on velocity analysis and depth imaging“, Tsvankin
CWP-331 “3-D description of dip moveout of PS-waves and application to parameter estimation in VTI media“, Tsvankin/Grechka
CWP-330 “Velocity analysis of converted waves based on hyperbolic moveout equation“, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-329 “Inversion of P-wave data in laterally heterogeneous VTI media. Part II: Irregular interfaces“, Grechka et al.
CWP-328 “Inversion of P-wave data in laterally heterogeneous VTI media. Part I: Plane dipping surfaces“, Grechka et al.
CWP-327 “Exact constructions of square-root Helmholtz operator symbols: The focusing quadratic profile“, Fishman et al.
CWP-326 “2.5D downward continuation of the seismic wavefield using Kirchhoff data mapping“, Sheaffer
CWP-325 “The quality of the surface-consistency assumption in residual-statics estimation“, Perez/Larner
CWP-324 “Scalar generalized-screen algorithms in transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis“, LeRousseau/V. de Hoop
CWP-323 “Relative performance of moveout-based multiple-suppression methods for AVO analysis and CMP stacking“, Alvarez/Larner
CWP-322 “Special section on azimuthal dependence of P-wave seismic signatures-Introduction“, Tsvankin/Lynn
CWP-321P “Modeling and imaging with the scalar generalized-screen algorithms in isotropic media“, LeRousseau/Van de Hoop
CWP-319 “Simple memory models of attenuation in complex viscoporous media“, Hanyga
CWP-318 “Velocity analysis in the common scattering-angle/azimuth domain“, Brandsberg-Dahl et al.
CWP-317 “Modeling and imaging with the scalar generalized-screen algorithms in isotropic and transversely isotropic media“, LeRousseau/Van de Hoop
CWP-316 “Geometrical spreading in a transversely isotropic medium with vertical symmetry axis“, Hokstad/Ursin
CWP-315 “2.5D downward continuation using data mapping theory, Part II: Models and analysis“, Sheaffer/Bleistein
CWP-314 “Estimating errors in picked traveltimes“, Mateeva
CWP-313 “Multicomponent Kirchhoff time migration“, Hokstad
CWP-312 “Depth-domain velocity analysis in VTI media using P-wave data: Is it feasible?“, Stunff et al.
CWP-311 “Velocity analysis for tilted TI media: A physical-modeling example“, Grechka et al.
CWP-310 “NMO surfaces and Dix-type formulae in heterogeneous anisotropic media“, Tsvankin/Grechka
CWP-309 “Parameter estimation in layered transversely isotropic media using reflection moveout of converted waves“, Tsvankin/Grechka
CWP-308 “On velocity/depth ambiguity in 3-D migration velocity analysis“, Meng/Bleistein
CWP-307 “3-D analytical migration velocity analysis II: Velocity gradient estimation“, Meng et al.
CWP-306 “3-D analytical migration velocity analysis I: Two-step velocity estimation by reflector-normal update“, Meng et al.
CWP-305 “Noise, discretization and truncation in inverse problems“, Tenorio et al.
CWP-304 “Estimation of anisotropic parameters from walkaway VSP data in the presence of lateral velocity heterogeneity“, Grechka et al.
CWP-303 “Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data, Part III: Fractured models with monclinic symmetry“, Bakulin et al.
CWP-302 “Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data, Part II: Fractured models with orthorhombic symmetry“, Bakulin et al.
CWP-301P “Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data, Part I: HTI model due to a single fracture set“, Bakulin et al.
CWP-300P “Inversion of normal moveout for monclinic media“, Grechka et al.
CWP-297 “Maslov asymptotic extension of generalized radon transform inversion in anisotropic elastic media: A least-squares approach“, Van de Hoop/Brandsberg-Dahl
CWP-295 “Ground penetrating radar: Analysis of point diffractors for modeling and inversion“, Saintenoy/Tarantola
CWP-294 “3D multi-valued traveltime and amplitude maps II”, Wang/Bleistein
CWP-293 “Multiple scattering attenuation and anisotropy of ultrasonic surface waves“, Scales/van Wijk
CWP-292 “Prior information and uncertainty in inverse problems“, Scales/Tenorio
CWP-289 “Propagation phenomena in P-wave AVP analysis for transversely isotropic media: A modeling study“, Jílek
CWP-287P “Modes of survival“, Scales/Snieder
CWP-281 “Approximate dispersion relations for qP-qSV waves in transversely isotropic media“, Schoenberg/V. de Hoop
CWP-280 “The influence of hardware on software optimization“, Villareal
CWP-279 “Parallel implementation of four depth-migration algorithms in a heterogeneous network“, Han
CWP-278 “3D multi-valued traveltime and amplitude maps” Wang/Bleistein
CWP-277 “Transient elastic plane-wave diffraction by a semi-infinite fluid-filled crack in an isotropic, dispersive field” A.T. de Hoop/V. de Hoop
CWP-275 “A synthetic example of anisotropic P-wave processing for a model from the Gulf of Mexico“, Han et al.
CWP-274 “AVO analysis in finely layered azimuthally anisotropic media“, Grechka
CWP-273 “Dip moveout of converted waves and parameter estimation in transversely isotropic media“, Tsvankin/Grechka
CWP-272 “Inversion of azimuthally dependent NMO velocity in transversely isotropic media with a tilted axis of symmetry“, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-271 “Modeling and imaging with the generalized screen algorithm“, LeRousseau/V. de Hoop
CWP-270 “2.5D downward continuation using data mapping theory (corrected)“, Sheaffer/Bleistein
CWP-269 “A comparison of four depth-migration methods“, Han
CWP-268 “Common scattering angle sections” Brandsberg-Dahl/V. de Hoop
CWP-267 “A platform for Kirchhoff data mapping in scalar models of data acquisition“, Bleistein/Jaramillo
CWP-266R “Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering of acoustic waves“, V. de Hoop et al.
CWP-265 “3-D moveout inversion in azimuthally anisotropic media with lateral velocity variation: Theory and a case study“, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-264P “Estimating data uncertainties for least squares optimization“, van Wijk et al.
CWP-263P “Time reversing imaging as a diagnostic of wave and particle chaos“, Snieder/Scales
CWP-283 “Project Review: Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures”, Vail, Colorado, May 11-15.
CWP-282P “What is noise?“, Scales/Snieder
CWP-274 “AVO analysis in finely layered azimuthally anisotropic media”, Grechka
CWP-261P “Uniform asymptotic expansion of the generalized Bremmer series“, Van de Hoop/Gautessen
CWP-260P “Generalized Bremmer series with rational approximation for the scattering of waves in inhomogeneous media“, van Stralen et al.
CWP-258 “Equivalent anisotropy for finely-layered media“, Anno
CWP-257 “Polarization and group velocity of P-waves in orthorhombic media“, Rommel/Tsvankin
CWP-256 “Uniform asymptotic expansion of the generalized Bremmer series“, Van de Hoop/Gautesen
CWP-255 “Noise suppression in large wavenumber Fourier imaging“, Wang/Bleistein
CWP-254 “Three strategies for parallelizing a 3D seismic migration algorithm on distributed memory environments“, Murillo/Uzcategui
CWP-253 “Using AVP for fracture detection: Analytic basis and practical solutions“, Rüger/Tsvankin
CWP-252 “Stacking charts for converted waves in a transversely isotropic layer“, Rommel
CWP-251 “Wavefront construction (WF) ray tracing in tetrahedral models – Applications to 3-D traveltime and ray path computations“, Meng/Bleistein
CWP-250 “Imaging using optimal rational approximation to the paraxial wave equation and generalized Bremmer series“, Jenner et al.
CWP-249 “Depth migration in heterogeneous, transversely isotropic media with the phase-shift-plus-interpolation method“, LeRousseau
CWP-248 “A simplified derivation to migration and demigration in isotropic inhomogeneous media“, Jaramillo/Bleistein
CWP-246P “Some remarks on nonlinear AVA inversion in anisotropic media“, Neves/V. de Hoop
CWP-245P “Joint traveltime inversion of P- and PS-waves in orthorhombic media“, Grechka et al.
CWP-244 “Moveout inversion of P-wave data for horizontal transverse isotropy“, Contreras et al.
CWP-243 “Moveout velocity analysis and parameter estimation for orthorhombic media“, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-242 “Wavefield reciprocity and local optimization in remote sensing“, V. de Hoop/A.T. de Hoop
CWP-241P “Normal-moveout velocity and generalized Dix equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media“, Grechka et al.
CWP-262 “True amplitude transformation to zero offset of data from curved reflectors“, Bleistein et al.
CWP-231 “The resolving power of seismic amplitude data: An anisotropic inversion/migration approach“, Van de Hoop et al.
CWP-228 “3-D common offset inversionin depth dependent media and its parallel implementation“, Meng
CWP-227 “The application of marginalization and local distributions to multidimensional Bayesian inverse problems“, De Moraes
CWP-226 “Transverse isotropy versus lateral heterogeneity in the inversion of P-wave reflection traveltimes“, Grechka
CWP-225 “3-D description of normal moveout in anisotropic inhomogeneous media“, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-224 “TZO Response curves: An iterative approach for mode conversion and transverse isotropy”, Rommel
CWP-223 “Multi-resolution analysis with wavelet transform: An application to 2-D tomography”, Meng/Scales
CWP-222 “Generalized Bremmer series with rational approximation for the scattering of waves in inhomogeneous media“, Stralen et al.
CWP-221P “Lyapunov exponents and localization in randomly layered elastic media“, Scales/Van Vleck
CWP-220 “Analytic insight into shear-wave AVO for fractured reservoirs“, Rüger
CWP-219P “Nonhyperbolic reflection moveout for horizontal transverse isotropy“, Al-Dajani/Tsvankin
CWP-218 “Variation of P-wave reflectivity with offset and azimuth in anisotropic media“, Rüger
CWP-217 “Entropy, information and inference“, Gouveia et al.
CWP-216P “Distributed 3D finite difference modeling of wave propagation in acoustic media“, Villareal/Scales
CWP-215 “SUDREF: A distributed elastic reflectivity modeling algorithm“, Gouveia
CWP-214 “Multi-parameter DMO in anisotropic media using the generalized radon transform”, V. de Hoop/Alkhalifah
CWP-213 “Amplitude calculation for 3-D common offset v() inversion”, Xu
CWP-212 “Feasibility of nonhyperbolic moveout inversion in transversely isotropic media”, Grechka/Tsvankin
CWP-211P “Resolution of seismic waveform inversion: Bayes versus Occam”, Gouveia/Scales
CWP-210 “Seismic waveform nonlinear inversion in stratified elastic media”, Gouveia
CWP-209 “Estimating residual statics by optimizing a complexity-reduced stacking-power function”, Deng et al.
CWP-208 “Entropy-based complexity of optimization problems”, Deng/Scales
CWP-207 “Characterization of the interwell space by Bayesian methods”, de Moraes/Scales
CWP-206P “Micro-local, nonlinear, resolution analysis of generalized radon transform inversions in anisotropic media”, V. de Hoop/Bleistein
CWP-205 “Velocity analysis using nonhyperbolic moveout in transversely isotropic media”, Alkhalifah
CWP-203 “Project review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures: Breckinridge, CO May 7-10, 1996”, CWP Faculty and Students
CWP-203P “Analytic description of group and moveout velocity in azimuthally anisotropic media”, Tsvankin
CWP-202 “Analytics insights into the anisotropy parameter η”, Alkhalifah
CWP-200 “Shortnote: A convenient expression for the NMO velocity function in terms of ray parameter”, Cohen
CWP-199 “Anisotropic parameters and P-wave velocity for orthorhombic media”, Tsvankin
CWP-197 “Amplitude preservation for offset continuation: Confirmation for Kirchhoff data”, Fomel/Bleistein
CWP-198P “3-D DMO operators in transversely isotropic media”, Alkhalifah
CWP-193 “The effect of curvature on true amplitude DMO: Proof of concept”, Bleistein/Cohen
CWP-191 “Phase and moveout velocity as functions of the ray parameter for transversely isotropic media”, Cohen
CWP-190P “An object-oriented toolbox for studying optimization problems”, Deng et al.
CWP-188 “Applicability of the Gaussian Beam approach for modeling of seismic data in triangulated subsurface models”, Rüger
CWP-187 “P-wave reflection coefficients for transversely isotropic models with vertical and horizontal axis of symmetry”, Rüger
CWP-185 “Project Review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Breckingridge, Colorado, May 9-12, 1995”, CWP Students and Faculty
CWP-184 “A study of model covariances in amplitude seismic inversion”, Gouveia
CWP-183 “Using multi-resolution analysis to study the complexity of inverse calculations”, Deng
CWP-182 “Probabilistic characterization of geologic and geophysical information”, Scales
CWP-181 “Parallelizing loops over a network of workstations”, Murillo
CWP-180 “Seismic data compression: A tutorial”, Chen
CWP-179 “Simultaneous statics and velocity estimation for data from structurally complex areas”, Tjan/Larner
CWP-178 “Prestack migration erro in a transversely isotropic media”, Jaramillo/Larner
CWP-177 “2.5D common offset inversion in triangulated background models of the Earth”, Ou
CWP-176 “Anisotropy processing in vertically inhomogeneous media” Alkhalifah
CWP-175 “Moveout analysis for transversely isotropic media with a tilted symmetry axis”, Tsvankin
CWP-174 “Inversion of moveout velocities for horizontal transverse isotropy”, Tsvankin
CWP-173 “Thomsen operators and Thomsen matrices”, Cohen
CWP-172 “Converting expressions to Thomsen notation”, Cohen
CWP 171 “P-wave reflections and azimuthal dependence of AVO in transversely isotropic media”, Rüger
CWP 170 “On the Berkhout approach to modeling and inversion of seismic inversion”, Bleistein
CWP-169 “Velocity inversion using wavelet represented perturbation”, Meng et al.
CWP-168 “Test on Marmousi data on velocity analysis by perturbation (Excerpt from doctoral thesis)”, Liu/Bleistein
CWP-164 “Fowler DMO and time migration for transversely isotropic media”, Anderson et al.
CWP-162 “Transformation to zero offset in transversely isotropic media”, Alkhalifah
CWP-160 “Introductory geophysical inverse theory”, Scales/Smith
CWP-159 “An example of geologic prior information in a Bayesian seismic inverse calculation”, Scales/Tarantola
CWP-158 “Tests of spatial and temporal parameters in a sea mine detection technique based on seismic exploration methods”, Xu/Bleistein
CWP-156 “Transport phenomena in disordered elastic solids”, Scales
CWP-155P “Inversion of reflection traveltimes for transverse isotropy”, Tsvankin/Thomsen
CWP-154 “2-D depth migration in transversely isotropic media using explicit operators”, Uzcatequi
CWP-153 “Project Review: Consortium project seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 10-13, 1994”, CWP Students and Faculty
CWP-152 “P-wave signatures and parametrization of transversely isotropic media: An overview”, Tsvankin
CWP-151 “Prestack migration for residual statics estimation in complex media”, Tjan et al.
CWP-150 “2.5-D common offset migration in a triangulated model”, Ou
CWP-149 “A velocity smoothing technique based on damped least squares”, Liu
CWP-148 “A demonstration of prestack migration error in transversely isotropic media”, Jaramillo/Larner
CWP-147 “Residual statics estimation by a hybrid distributed genetic algorithm”, Gouveia
CWP-146 “Dip-moveout processing by Fourier transform in anisotropic media”, Anderson/Tsvankin
CWP-145 “Velocity analysis for transversely isotropic media”, Anderson/Tsvankin
CWP-144 “Body-wave radiation patterns and AVP in transversely isotropic media”, Tsvankin
CWP-143P “Strategies for network parallel 3-D phase-shift migration”, Chen/Hale
CWP-142P “Elimination of numerical dispersion in finite-difference modeling and migration by flux-corrected transport”, Fei/Larner
CWP-141P “2.5D wave equations and high-frequency asymptotics”, Stockwell
CWP-137 “Project Review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 11-14, 1993”, CWP Students and Faculty
CWP-136 “Tutorial: Regularization in inversion theory”, Zhdanov
CWP-135 “Velocity analysis by perturbation”, Liu/Bleistein
CWP-134R “Gaussian beam depth migration for anisotropic media”, Alkhalifah
CWP-133P “Migration error in transversely isotropic media”, Alkhalifah/Larner
CWP-130 “Fundamentals of the discrete wavelet transform for seismic data processing”, Cohen/Chen
CWP-129 “Efficient modeling in transversely isotropic inhomogenous media”, Alkhalifah
CWP-128 “Efficient modeling and reverse-time depth migration by flux-corrected transport”, Fei
CWP-127 “Computational aspects of Gaussian beam migration”, Hale
CWP-126 “Migration by Kirchhoff, slant stack, and Gaussian beam methods”, Hale
CWP-125 “A small dip, small offset representation of the DMO operator in a medium with a constant velocity gradient”, Dietrich
CWP-124P2 “Differential-equation-based seismic data filtering”, Li/Larner
CWP-122 “Finite-difference dip moveout”, Li
CWP-121 “Project Review: Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures, May 26-29, 1992”
CWP-119R “Dip-moveout error in transversely isotropic media with linear velocity variation in depth”, Tsvankin
CWP-118 “Migration error in transversely isotropic media with linear velocity variation in depth”, Larner/Cohen
CWP-113 “3-D migration to zero offset for a constant velocity gradient: An analytical formulation”, Dietrich/Cohen
CWP-109P “Discrete approximation of linear functionals”, Cohen/DeBaum
CWP-108 “Mathematica packages for logic and set theory”, Cohen
CWP-107B “Triangulated models of the Earth’s subsurface”, Hale/Cohen
CWP-107A “Dynamic ray tracing in triangulated subsurface models”, Hale
CWP-107 “Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures, May 19-22, 1991” Alfaraj, et al.
CWP-105 “Short note: Transformation to zero offset for mode-converted waves”, Alfaraj/Larner
CWP-104R “Velocity analysis by inversion”, Liu/Bleistein
CWP-103B “Mathematica and the method of steepest descents: Part II“, Bleistein
CWP-103A “Mathematica and the method of steepest descents: Part I”, Bleistein
CWP-099 “Compensating finite-difference errors in 3D migration and modeling”, Li
CWP-098 “3-D depth migration via McCllelan transformations”, Hale
CWP-097 “Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-096 “Adaptive absorbing boundaries for finite-difference modeling of acoustic waves”, Hale
CWP-095 “Stable explicit depth extrapolation of seismic wavefields”, Hale
CWP-093 “Prestack inversion of common-offset strike data”, Araya/Bleistein
CWP-092 “Ray theoretical modeling for seismic surveys along a common trend (strike) in layered acoustic media”, Araya
CWP-090 “A computer implementation of 2.5-D common-shot inversion”, Dong et al.
CWP-086 “Project Review: Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures, May 22, 1989”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-081 “Born theory of wave-equation moveout”, Liner
CWP-074 “Propagation of elastic waves in transversely isotropic media”, Geoltrain
CWP-058 “Final Report of the Selected Research Program of the Office of Naval Research”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-055 “Project Review: Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse Methods for Complex Structures, May 11, 1987”
CWP-054 “Prestack Kirchoff inversion and modeling in 2.5 dimensions”, Sullivan
CWP-052 “Transformation to zero offset”, Jorden
CWP-049 “Wave-equation trace interpolation”, Ronen
CWP-047 Damped least squares inversion applied to ducted propagation of acoustic energy in the ocean”, Kaczkowski
CWP-046 “Project Review: Consortium project on seismic inverse methods for complex structures, Nov. 2, 1986”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-045 “Computational aspects of three dimensional seismic inversion”, Quist
CWP-044 “Mathematics of Seismology: Lecture notes from a course taught at the Colorado School of Mines”, DeSanto
CWP-043 “Multi-dimensional seismic inversion”, Cohen/Bleistein
CWP-042 “Some algebraic aspects of the Lamb problem”, Gilliam/Hagin
CWP-041 “Kirchoff inversion for reflector imaging and soundspeed and density variations”, Bleistein
CWP-038 “On the imaging of reflectors in the Earth”, Bleistein
CWP-032 “Two and one-half dimensional Born inversion with an arbitrary reference”, Bleistein et al.
CWP-031 “Three-dimensional Born inversion with an arbitrary reference”, Cohen et al.