The Center for Wave Phenomena (CWP) marked its 40th anniversary at its Annual Meeting in May. Retiring CWP Director spoke about the history of CWP, noting that Mines was inspired when it hired four mathematicians forty years ago to start the CWP program. Special guests John Stockwell, who “predated CWP at Mines” and worked with CWP for many years, and University Emeritus Professor of Exploration Geophysics Ken Larner, spoke about CWP and recognized Roel Snieder for his 24 years of involvement in the center. Paul Sava, department head and member of the CWP leadership team, spoke about the serendipitous connections he had with Dr. Snieder over the course of his life – starting with reading Dr. Snieder’s work in a book that he bought in the basement of a European bookstore – to later receiving an email from Dr. Snieder inviting him to apply to Mines, where he eventually become department head of the Geophysics Department.
Overall, CWP is proud of its 40 years of achievement in the field of seismic imaging and looks forward to its next decade with anticipation of more great work to come.